Alpha's Babies - 2

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"Are sure you've looked everywhere, April?" I moaned for the millionth time. April gave an annoyed grunt.
"Ray. I'vebeen searching without stopping for seven months!"
She handed me some thick guava milkshake. I took it and ran my finger along the rim.
"I'm sorry. it's just..."
April sighed and sat beside me, putting her arm around me. "I know, honey. I know."

I blinked back tears several times and gulped.
"Apart from you, I have no one."
"You still have Luke and Kale,"
"Yeah but they act like I'm diseased or
Something," I said miserably.
April tutted and rolled her eyes "Boys," she scoffed "Let them try to carry a wolf baby for seven months, then they'll know!"
I pushed my glass away and put my head in my hands. "Urgh, I think it's the fact that its an Alpha baby. That's why I need you to track him down!'"

"Ray! I told you. I can't find him anywhere. You don't even know his name, how can I?" She asked.
I sat back and rubbed my huge stomach. Even the doctor had said I was big for 7 months.
"It's Colten. Colten Reid."
"How do you know?"
"Zoe said -"
April let out a grunt of anger.
"You don't know it was him for sure!"
"How many Alpha's do you know that would turn up at this party?"

She rubbed at her temples. "Look, lets forget about your baby daddy for a second, okay? Focus on the kid."
I sighed. "Okay, baby boy names."
"How about a month name like me?"
I pushed her "No way. I was thinking maybe the father's initials..."
"I heard his full name was Colten Bane Reid. So I was thinking Caden Bradley Reid -"

"You're giving your baby a stranger's name?"
"Not a stranger. His father."
April's mouth dropped "But you're not even sure -"
The bell suddenly rang and I took this opportunity to stop the conversation. I looked to see Luke and Kale stood at the porch. every time those two came around, they didn't know how to act or what to say, trying to look anywhere but my protruding belly. Especially Kale. He hadn't said a sentence to me since he found out.

I opened it and Kale walked in immediately, both hands full of shopping bags. He dropped them in my living room abruptly. "Here's some clothes and stuff for the kid," he said all in one go.
Luke came in and dropped two more bags.
"Thank you guys," I said smiling, then I moved in for a hug. Kale glanced at my belly awkwardly and turned and walked back out the door. I looked at Luke, begging him silently as I stood there like an idiot, arms outstretched.

Luke gave me a tight smile but then backed out and followed Kale.
April came in and hugged me instead. "They're jerks anyway." she said.
"Yeah, who cares, right?" I said trying to kid myself.
But it wasn't working. The stress was getting to me. I'd lost my parents respect, my brother's, Luke's, my pack's. Even probably the baby's dad.

I clutched my stomach suddenly. "April. April. I need to go to the pack doctor. Now."
April jumped back "What?"
"Pack doctor! Now!"
I felt something warm trickle down my leg and groaned. "Ew! April, hurry up!"
I knew I shouldn't go back to the pack but I know for sure that they can't turn away a pregnant woman in labour.

I'd never seen April move so fast. I stood, gripping my stomach, huffing and puffing and the pain shot through me.
Finally, after she'd thrown together some clothes and blankets from Kale's shopping, we were ready to go.

She helped me into her car and even missed the ignition a few times because she was panicking so much.
"Jeez, you'd think you're the one having the baby," I said trying to laugh. April didn't laugh, her knuckles turned white at the wheel it was a wonder her bones didn't pop out all together.
She drove hard until we reached the pack house. Then we went around to the infirmary round the back of the house so thankfully noone saw me waddling there.

"Doctor, we need a doctor!" April screamed as soon as we stepped in. Doctors and nurses came rushing in from all angles and I found myself being wheeled away.
I thought they'd turn me away because of getting pregnant by Colten, who I found out his ancestors had some kind of rivalry with our pack.
Instead they treated me like a normal pack member, thank goodness. Even when I screamed like a banshee.

"Alright, alright, Raiven. It's okay, the baby should be out soon," the doctor, Brian reassured me. He was the one that delivered me and Kale so it must have been super awkward for him.
I focused on screaming and crying instead.

I gripped and nearly crushed April's hand. She screamed along with me.
"Get. This. Baby. Out!" I screeched.
"Wait, wait, I see the head!" the doctor yelled.
Finally, there was a short sharp cry and I relaxed and tried to hold out my hands to hold my baby.

Brian frowned and looked at me. "Something's not right." he said.
My jaw dropped "What?"
"Doctor! There's another baby!" A nurse cried.
Mine and April's eyes nearly popped.
"Twins?" We both said.
But I couldn't stop to ask questions because the pain started up again.

Four minutes later, I heard another cry. And soon there were two simultaneous cries in the room.
April tipped my jaw slightly. "Close your mouth, honey," she said softly.
I watched as they cleaned the babies first and then Brian came forward with a baby in each arm, both wrapped in blue shawls.

I reached out and took them, gazing at their beauty. They both had soft light brown curly hair, probably like their father.
As soon as they were against my chest they immediately stopped crying. One of them rammed his tiny fist in his mouth and sucked on it. The other one just lay peacefully.

I looked at my son with his fist in his mouth. "Caden Bradley Reid. It suits you, you're gonna be a troublemaker," I said pulling him up for a kiss.
I looked at his brother. "Corbin Benjamin Reid, for you." I said kissing him too.
April stroked Caden's hair softly. "Are you sure about the last names?"
"They're my babies, April, what I say goes,"
"But I mean, they're alpha babies. You can smell it in their blood. You do know Alpha babies are different from normal babies, right?"

I snuggled both my sons and closed my eyes. "Go away, April. I can do this on my own."

Six months later

"Cade, baby, please eat," I begged him. I tried pushing his spoon in his mouth but he dodged the opposite way, cleverly. He clapped his little hands and chuckled, showing off his deep dimple.
"Cade, cc'mon!" I said, nearly at the brink of tears.
I sighed and moved to Corbin instead.
"You'll eat wont you, my Coco?" I said moving the spoon into his mouth. I only got the tip in and then he spluttered the food back at me.

"Corbin!" I yelled, jumping back as the baby food splattered all over my face. Corbin jumped because i yelled but Caden giggled uproariously.
Corbin's bottom lip quivered and then he burst into tears, still startled at my yell.
I wiped my face with my sleeve and then picked him up weakly.
I bounced over my shoulder as he cried.

"There there, my Coco. Monmy's sorry." I said wearily. Caden reached over to Corbin's high chair, picked up the plate and then dumped it on the floor.
I gasped "Caden!"
He put his hands to his mouth and giggled.
I was virtually on the brink of tears. April had warned me about trying to raise Alpha twins on my own but I didn't listen. She offered to look for their father again but I said I could manage without him.
Boy, was I wrong.

The doorbell went off in my little apartment and I hesitated. Going to answer the door would mean leaving Caden on his own. I wasn't too keen on that.
I swung Corbin onto my hip and then smoothed down Caden's soft brown curls "Please be a good boy,'
He only bared his (two) front teeth at me.
I rushed to the door and pulled it open.

I gave a sigh of relief. It was Jason. One of Zach's football buddies. When he found out I gave birth, he jumped up at the idea of helping me. I know I'd rejected everyone else' help but Jason's hot, how could I say no?
"Jace!" I said letting him in. He still had his football jersey on from training. But he held up a carrier bag. "I bought dinner!"

"You angel," I said. He shrugged and set the bag down. Then he reached forward and picked up Corbin.
"Hey, buddy,"
As soon as Corbin's bright blue eyes landed on Jason, he squealed happily.
"Aw, good to see you too, Coco."
I still had no idea how he could tell the difference between Caden and Corbin. They were so identical, even I have trouble.

Jason went back in the kitchen and then took Caden in his arms too. "Caycay! Are you giving your mother a hard time, you bad boy?" he laughed stepping over the upturned plate of food.
I sat down, my head in my hands. Jason sat beside me.
"Hey, Raiven, I'm sorry that you can't find their dad," he said softly.
"No, I don't care," I lied.
"We will find him, okay? I remember seeing him at the party but I just don't know where he's came from."

I stood up suddenly. "Don't. I have you. I don't need a stupid alpha." I said getting a clean cloth and wiping at the mess.
"But when Zach finds out, you won't have me anymore. You need to find their dad," Jason insisted.

"Fine," I said. "I will, starting today. I wi find him and bring him here to meet his babies."

Lies, lies, lies. All lies.

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