Alpha's Babies - 11

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It was getting late and we didn't have a clue what to do. But we decided to go for whichever one was the stronger of the two. We needed to act fast before Derek, Kale or Zach popped up.
I swung Caden on my hip while Nick got Corbin and we all trooped out to the back yard with Kory, Tara and Maya.
We set the boys down on the floor and just looked at them. Then everyone looked at Colten and he was just as clueless.
But then he crouched in front of them.

"Okay," he said but then he looked up at me "It's Cason and Coby, right?"
I nearly hit him then and I think everyone else had the same thought.
"Caden and Corbin."
Oh. Right,"
He turned back to them. Caden sat up on his knees, getting restless.
"Okay, boys. You know what a werewolf is?"
Caden immediately turned his hands into claws and bared his sharp teeth, letting out a loud howl. Corbin clawed his hands too and made a feeble attempt at a howl too.

"Good." Colten smiled and then sat down properly. "Can you turn into one?" he asked.
The twins blinked their blue eyes at him. Colten looked at Caden, probably because he was the stronger of the two. "Caden can you become a wolf?"
Caden's eyes sparkled and he nodded.

We all let out sighs of relief.
"It was bound to be him," Tara muttered. I felt bad for poor Corbin who looked like he always had to live in Caden's shadow.
Caden scrambled to his feet. "I can turn to wolf!" he exclaimed.

We watched in anticipation as he stood there. Then he brought his hands up again and...howled like before. Everyone dropped down in disappointment. Nick pulled Caden into his arms and hugged him. "The poor guy doesn't get it."

"Show them what to do," Colten told Kory. Kory nodded and got into a stance.
"Boys, watch Kory now." I said. They both turned their heads and looked at him.
Kory took a few steps back and then his eyes turned pitch black as he started shifting. Suddenly, his wolf broke out of his flesh and there infront of us was a large grey wolf.

Corbin looked startled but Caden clapped and giggled "Again, again!"
"Yes, we'll do it again if you can do it?" Colten said to him.
"It's no use. They're two, they can't shift," Maya said.

I ignored her and I sat down beside Colten. "What about Corbin? Get him to try," I said.
Tara frowned "Are you sure? Corbin has always been weaker than Caden."
"Well, Cay's not gonna do it, he's too hyper right now."

We all looked at Corbin expectantly. He was sat there on the grass looking in awe at Kory's wolf. Caden ran over and petted Kory. "Good boy. Sit!"
Kory grinned but obediently sat.
I sighed, eager to get one of them to shift.
"Corbin, baby, can you copy Kory?" I asked.

He looked at me and Colten then at Kory. His shoulder's went up and down a little.
"Will you try?" Colten asked.
Corbin nodded slowly. I let out another sigh.
"Alright, c'mon. Have a go, please,"

He stood up and everyone moved back, even Caden. I clasped my hands together in anticipation.
Corbin looked at me, suddenly scared. "Mommy, help me,"
I rushed to him quickly and stood behind him, holding his elbows.

"Just concentrate, baby. Think, wolf. Think, wolf," I whispered. Everyone stood around silently, watching. Corbin screwed his eyes shut "Wolf, wolf, wolf," he muttered. All of a sudden, the wind picked up and autumn leaves swirled around. I struggled to keep my hair out of my face whilst keeping hold of Corbin.
I peered around at his face. He stayed with his eyes screwed shut for one moment then his face relaxed.

"Corbin?" I said. His eyes snapped open once I said his name. Tara gasped and clutched her heart dramatically. Everyone else's mouth hung open.
"Mommy! Corbin's eyes!" I heard Caden scream.
I let go of him quickly, suddenly wishing we'd have found another Alpha instead. I didn't realise how horrific it was going to be
Colten helped me up and took me back to stand with the others.
Corbin eyes were a startling yellow.

My hands clutched Colten's shirt. "Maybe this was a mistake..." I said, my voice breaking a little.
Corbin's finger got slightly longer then retreated and then carried on coming out and going in. He breathed heavily and tiny little hairs sprouted slightly.
I heard Colten swallow hard, his heart thumping against his chest.
"Yeah," he said "This was a bad idea,"

"Ow, ow, ow!" Corbin said as if he was in excruciating pain.
"No, definitely a bad idea. Shifting for the first time is the most painful thing ever," Colten said looking genuinely worried. Nick laughed a little "Yeah, you cried on your first shift,"
Colten glared at him.
"If you cried at yours when you were sixteen, then what's Corbin going to go through at two?" Kory said.

I could barely stand to watch as his little face twisted up in pain.
I burst into tears and his my face in my hands. Colten pulled me right under his arm soothingly.
"It's all my fault," I sobbed. "What was I thinking?"

There was a small thud and I looked up to see Corbin on his knees, doubled up, clutching his stomach and whimpering. I felt like the worlds worst mother at that point.
He tilted his head back and let out a heart wrenching cry.
"Oh, no. Stop him, Colten! I changed my mind! Stop him!" I yelled. Colten looked pityingly at me. "You can't stop a shift." he said calmly.

"Why? My baby's in pain!" I said hardly able to get the words out.
Colten clutched me tighter "I know, I know," he said, wincing a little as Corbin screamed like he was getting tortured.
His little back arched backwards and he let out another cry.
Caden looked worriedly at me. "Mommy, Corbin's hurt,"
I nodded silently with tears seeping through, unable to reply. This was the longest guilt trip I'd ever took. I would have gladly stayed human if it meant my baby didn't have to go through this.

Suddenly, there was the sickening cracks of bones. The sound reminded me of all those years ago when Callie (the horrible witch) hurt Corbin yet he managed to heal himself. I shut my eyes tight, not wanting to remember.
"He's shifting," Nick said unnecessarily.
"He's actually shifting!"

Colten's mouth hung open. "I thought he'd stop half way," he whispered.
Corbin's spine seemed to realign itself and little claws started forming.
"Do you know how strong he needs to be to do that?" Nick said.
"Oh shut up with your live commentary and just watch!" Tara said.

Corbin twisted around painfully, brown fur started to sprout from him.
I gripped Colten even tighter. I hated myself so much at that point. Suddenly, being human wasn't such a bad thing.
Fangs grew slowly from his teeth and his tshirt started ripping.
Maya tutted "I bought him that shirt," she muttered, like that was the biggest worry right now.

Corbin's sweet ears retreated into his hair and above, little pointy ears grew instead. It was adorable and I almost had the urge to whip out a camera and take pictures.
Caden buried his face into my leg.
"I'm scared." he mumbled.
"It's okay, it'll be over in a minute," I said, even though i didn't even believe myself.

"Colten, we should have just got another alpha. This was a stupid idea."
"You think?" he replied back.
I ignored him and watched my son painfully.
He growled suddenly and we all took a step back. Everything happened so fast. This beautiful golden fur just sprouted out, a tail grew out from nowhere, his limbs got longer and turned into paws.

I looked away for a second and when I looked back, a baby cub with shiny golden fur with matching eyes stood there looking confused.
He barely went passed my knees and it was the cutest thing ever. He froze for a second then let out a tiny sneeze.
All at the same time, me, Tara and Maya 'aww'hd" at him.
The guys all rolled their eyes, even Kory in his wolf form.

Caden pushed away from me and held his hands out to Corbin.
"Coco! Look, you're a dog!" he said happily. But once he got a few inches from Corbin, Corbin stood up, his ears lay back and his teeth bared and let out a horrific bark and growl.
Caden dropped his arms and ran back to me, bursting into a fresh flood of tears mumbling "Bad Corbin. Bad, bad, bad,"
Colten smiled at him pityingly then pushed me forward.
"You try, you're his mother,"

I took a deep breath and stepped forward. Corbin still stayed on guard, looking at me like I was a threat.
"Baby, look, it's me, Mommy,"
He lowered himself down and growled at me, watching my outstretched hands.
Once I was close enough, he leapt up, his mouth open, about to clamp his teeth down on my fingers.

If Colten hadn't used his wolf speed to pull me back, I'd be several fingers short.
"He tried to bite me!" I said shakily.
"That's what happens on first shifts, you've been through this. The aggressiveness and stuff. It's worse for him though, he's not properly developed yet." Colten said with me firmly in his grip.
Tara hugged me "All that matters is that you won't be human in a matter of hours, don't worry,"

I stayed silent.
The doors that led back inside the pack house slammed open.
"Alpha! Derek's back and he's brought rogues, they've surrounded the territory," a huge guy from the pack said.
Colten swore under his breath and looked down at a tearful Caden and a wolfy Corbin.
"Perfect. Just perfect timing. Absolutely brilliant." He muttered angrily to himself.

Nick shook his head "I'd like nothing better than to see Derek laying dead on the floor,"
Colten sighed in agreement.
"Okay, Kory, grab the little rascal and don't let him out of your sight, we need to get outta here before the full moon," he said. I loved how attractive he was when he was giving orders but now was no time to swoon.

Not when my two year old just shifted and my life was a complete train wreck.
Kory picked Corbin up by the scruff of his neck with his teeth. Corbin thrashed around violently and nearly scratched Kory's eyes out. My motherly instincts kicked in and I almost told Corbin off for not being polite.
Colten shook his head "C'mon, we need to move out. The plan is to get Ray back to wolf - "

"Then kill Derek," Maya said calmly. Colten smiled at her. "Then kill Derek." he repeated.
Now I'm not one for murder but the didn't sound like a bad plan at all.

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