Alpha's Babies - 4

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I didn't know where to go. I had no idea what town it even was. I wrapped blankets tightly around the boys. This woke Corbin up and he started crying again.
I sighed, exhausted. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" I wanted to know.
I put them in the car and thought I might go for a drive to maybe calm him down.
I really did need a rest myself.

I got behind the wheel and drove away from the station with no sense of direction whatsoever.
Corbin still wailed, his voice going slightly croaky.
"Oh, Coco. Are still in shock, baby?" I asked, looking in the rear view mirror.
His fists were clenched and he moved his arms about wildly.

At the elbow of his coat, his arm was at an odd angle. I frowned and then pulled over. I clambered to the back and sat between his seat and Caden's.
I took Corbin out and took his coat off, to which he shrieked even more to. He genuinely looked like he was in pain. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed this before.
His arm was broken.

But as I watched, his bones seemed to be realigning itself, slowly but surely.
I gasped. I'm sure Were's can't heal themselves until they're at least five years old.
It was clearly hurting him like crazy to be going through this at a young age.
I hugged him tight and kissed him. "I'm sorry, baby. Mommy's so sorry." I whispered.

I wanted to turn around and then rip Callie to shreds for making my baby go through this but I had to keep moving forward. I certainly did not want to look back.
I cradled Corbin in my arms and rocked him back and forth slowly, crying along with him.
I was thankful that at least it wasn't cold in the car.
Caden still slept on and I was thankful for that too.

Eventually, Corbin drifted off to sleep and I followed soon after.

I woke with a start to someone tapping on my window. I jumped awake, Corbin still in my arms, whimpering. I clutched him tight protectively and looked out of the window.
A young Were couple were peering at me, their own baby in a pram.
I rolled down the windows.
The girl looked concerned "Have you slept here the whole night?" she asked.

I licked my lips and smoothed down my hair quickly. "Uhm, yeah,"
She gasped and her hand flew to her heart. "You poor thing!" she said.
"It's okay, II'll find my way -"
"Kory, lets bring her back to the pack house, darling,"
Kory bit his lip "But the Alpha..." he said.
She rolled her eyes "He's not gonna be back for the next three years, remember? He probably wouldn't notice anyway,"

I smiled gratefully. "I don't know..."
The girl pressed on firmly "I'm Maya, this is my husband Kory and our little girl, Adeline, but we just call her Addie." She said smiling down at the baby.
I got out of the car so as not to seem rude and shook their hands.
"I'm Raiven. These are my twin boys, Caden and Corbin,"
Maya clapped her hands "Oh, how precious,"
Kory smiled and put his hand around her. "It is. But, honey, we have to go, the pack meeting?"

"Oh, right," she said pulling a face. "But you will follow wont you, Raiven?"
I nodded quickly. The last thing I needed was to become a rouge with my boys. "Are you guys serious about this?" I asked.
Maya nodded firmly. "Yes."
I burst into tears then. "Oh my gosh, thank you!"
I didn't stop thanking them right up until they got into their car.

I got into mine and looked back at the twins. Corbin was awake but clearly still in pain as he whimpered.
Caden was wide awake and sucking his thumb.
I smiled at them and wiped my tears.
"Look, boys! We found a home, we're not gonna be homeless anymore!" I said.
Caden looked at me blankly and Corbin continued to whimper.
I blew them both a kiss and started the car, following Maya and Kory to a brand new life.


Their Pack House was humongous. My old one would have fit inside this one - with room to spare.
I pulled up behind Maya and Kory's car as they got out hurriedly.
I got out too and she rushed over to me.
"We're late for the pack meeting, you go upstairs to the third floor and fine yourself a nice room to settle in with the boys, okay? We'll only be about 30 minutes." she said all in one go.
It was so fast I wasn't even sure that's what she said.

When they'd ran inside, I pulled our two suitcases out and then bit my lip, wondering how I was going to manage.
I finally decided and brought the boys in first and let them start crawling up the stairs while I ran back to get the suitcases. I had to do it in double quick time or else one of them would end up toppling backwards. And I really did not need anymore broken bones.

When I got back to the bottom of the staircase, Corbin was sat there crying while Caden got a head start, climbing up happily the set of stairs.
I sighed and tucked Corbin under my arm and then pulled the suitcases behind me.
I wasn't used to being in charge of babies like this all day everyday. I didn't know how I was going to cope.

By the time I got to the third floor, I was sweating like a pig.
I set Corbin down and chose the closest door there. But then I had to dash down the hallway because Caden was crawling away.
I grabbed him and took him back into the room which was thankfully huge.

The bed was king sized and the while room looked like it'd just been done a few hours ago.
I smiled happily.
"Okay, boys, bath and then dinner, alright?" I said laying them both down and tickling them.
For the first time, Corbin actually laughed and it was the best thing that had ever happened to me since I got here.

During the bath, and me trying to look presentable, my phone went off endlessly. I ended up with nearly 40 missed calls. Some from Jason, some from Kale, Luke, and even April.
I ignored every single one of them. Although I did feel bad for Jason.
I tossed my phone across the room and dressed the boys up in identical white playsuits.

There was a brief knock at the door and Maya walked in breezily, holding her baby in one hand "Hey, sweetie," she said to me. She hugged me and then laid Addie next to the boys.
She looked like a tiny doll compared to the twins.
Maya sat at the edge of the bed and I copied her.
"So, how long are you planning on staying here? if its for long then we're gonna need you to find you a house,"

I licked my lips "I don't know,"
"What about your mate? Isn't he doing anything? Where is he anyway?"
She asked innocently.
I didn't say anything and just looked down at my clasped hands.
Maya put her hand to her mouth "Oh, sorry, sensitive subject?" she whispered.
I took a deep breath.
"So how come your Alpha's gone for three years?" I asked.

Maya took the hint and nodded "Well, there's this super weak pack and the Alpha kinda abandoned them so our Alpha went to train one of the ex-Alpha's sons,"
"Oh, right,"
Maya smiled and tickled Caden under the chin.
"He doesn't really like having new pack members,"

I gulped then. I didn't wanna go home.
Maya laughed "It's okay, the Beta's looking after us and he's nice. Plus it's Kory's cousin," she explained.
I gave a sigh of relief.

Maya laughed "You have beautiful babies,"
"Thank you, so do you," I said politely.
"Do they, do they look like their dad?" she asked, probably dying of curiosity.
I looked her straight in the eye.
"I don't know," I said simply.
Maya bit her lip, her cheeks flushed red.

"Is there anywhere I can feed the twins? They haven't ate since last night,"
Maya jumped up quickly "Sure, sure, follow me," she said hastily.
She picked up Addie in one arm and Corbin in the other, leaving me with Caden to carry.
She smiled and then motioned at me to follow her.
As I was about to, my phone rang again. I decided to pick up, no matter who it was.

It ended up being Jason.
"Raiven! Oh, thank goodness you're alive -"
There was a sudden rustling noise and another voice came on.
"Raiven, you better get your butt home now!"
"Kale? Since when do you care?"
"Just get home!" he yelled.
I sighed and switched my phone off and tossed it back.

I kinda wished hhe'd been the one to get punched off Colten instead of Zach.

I thought I'd be rejected here but thankfully, everyone was pretty much welcoming. Especially a Werebear, Derek and a Werecat, Tara .
I was kinda shocked that it wasn't just wolves living here.
Tara bounced Both twins on her lap "They are adorable, Ray,"she said.
I sipped on a drink "Thank you," I said politely.
"I'll bet their dad was gorgeous," Tara winked at me.
I shrugged, not wanting to get into this conversation again.

Derek put his arm around my shoulders. Derek must have been even hotter than Jason and Zach put together. And they're both pretty hot.
He had this light brown hair that was the exact shade of his eyes. He was tall and ever so nicely built. Plus his voice was deep and brilliant. You could totally tell he was a bear.

"Not as gorgeous as her though," he said smiling at me. Everyone made vomiting noises.
I laughed despite everything.
I didn't know what I was doing or why I did it but I snuggled up close to Derek.
I thought that after Zach and Colten, I'd never get involved with another boy again, but Jason came along. Now, Derek?

He let me rest my head in his hard chest.
Right, I thought, this is the last boy I'm ever going to let myself fall in love with. I promise.

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