Alpha's Babies - 10

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"Colten! You have to do something!" I said, nearly tearing my hair out. "I'm trying! I'm trying! But there's nothing here about turning you back to wolf," he replied, flicking through piles and piles of mythologoy books. He'd gotten the whole pack to franctically search high and low for some sort of a cure or whatever.

"Well try harder!" I said, I felt like I hadn't slept in three years. I didn't realise that humans were so unbelievably weak, not to mention deaf and totally blind.
Colten ran his hands through his hair "Don't you think this is tough on me too? You've been kidnapped twice, drugged a few times and now you're human, all in less than a week and I've had to save your butt all these times so don't you start yelling at me that I'm not trying!" he snapped.

I shut my mouth pretty quick after that. "Sorry," I mumbled.
Colten sighed and left the books and papers that were scattered all over his office and came over to me.
"Look, I know everything's gone so wrong for you this past week, too much for you to handle, but we'll get through this." he said. I loved how reassuring and deep his voice was. I wanted him to put his arms around me, hug me or better yet, kiss me like he did before.

His hand almost touched mine but he pulled it away quickly and stood up. Tears seeped through my eyelids. It's like he didn't even want us to be mates anymore. I was scared that all this would get too much for him and he'd leave me. I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

He went back to riffling through pages and I just watched him. His brow was furrowed attractively as he focused deep on the books.
I swallowed "You don't have to do this for me you know,"
Colten's neck snapped up quickly "What?"
I pushed my hair back frustratingly. "I mean, we barely know each other..." my voice tailed off as his fist tightened for a moment.

"What are you saying?" he asked, calmly enough even though it sounded like he'd yelled it in my face.
I shrugged slightly. I knew exactly what I meant. I don't think that any alpha should have to have a human a mate. It just wasn't fair on him.
Colten straightened up. "Raiven, I did not just risk my life climbing on top of a moving vehicle for you to -"
His voice had reached a high tone before he was interrupted by Tara who pushed open the door.

Her hair was a mess and she was breathing heavily. Behind her,Caden and Corbin toddled in.
Colten glared at her. Tara instinctively took a few steps back. "Sorry, am I interrupting something?"
"Yes," Colten growled but at the same time I replied with "No,"
We both glanced at each other and Tara took a few steps back again. "O...kay. I was just dropping off your little monsters, I can't handle them." the she backed off and disappeared.

Caden laughed "Monsters, rarrrrr," he said turning his hands into pretend claws, baring his teeth and stomping around. Corbin came over to me and raised his hands so I could pick him up. I wish I could but I barely had enough strength to pick up a pencil.
"Sorry, baby, mommy's tired," I said as softly as I could.

Colten glanced up at us but then looked back down at the mound of papers at his desk.
Corbin pushed his bottom lip out and started whimpering.
"Hey! No, no, no, don't touch that!" Colten said suddenly to Caden who was reaching up to take some paper out.
Caden's hand froze as he blinked up at Colten. "Wanna draw," he said.
"Well, not on that,"
Caden frowned "Want to draw!" he insisted.

Colten looked at me helplessly. I shrugged "Don't look at me! You're his dad,"
He sighed and looked at Caden again. "Look, go find another piece of paper over there," Colten said pointing behind him. Caden looked defiant. "No,"
Both me and Colten looked startled.
Corbin giggled "Naughty Cay,"

"Uh, please?" Colten tried. Caden looked back at him "No way,"
I almost burst out laughing, as weak as I was. "Cay, baby, be nice," I said, holding back a giggle.
Corbin left me and went to Caden.
"Cay, paper here," he said pointing to where Colten pointed.

Caden pouted and stamped his foot. "No,"
Colten raised his eyebrow, he looked like he wanted to yell at him but he didn't know him well enough.
Corbin went over to the bookshelf and stood on his tip toes and grabbed some paper that were under slightly wobbly and over loaded books.

I sat up slowly. "Corbin, be careful, sweetie," I warned. It was like talking to a brick wall. He yanked out the papers with all his might and all these heavy books toppled over. I screamed and jumped up, but got dizzy and couldn't get there in time. I thanked my lucky stars that Colten was there. In a flash, his arms were outstretched and he caught them all just as the were about to land in Corbin's head.

Corbin stayed oblivious what was going on. He simply turned and handed Caden the paper that he was clutching.
Colten pretended to wipe sweat from his brow.
"How the hell did you mange on your own?" he said quietly.
But I didn't answer him. I was staring at the paper that Corbin still had in his hand.
I could not believe what I was reading - or attempting to read with my poor eyesight. "Wait...Corbin, give me that," I said, trying to stand up again.

"No, mine!" Caden interrupted angrily. I groaned and got up shakily and snatched it from Corbin's hands.
I ignored both their screaming and whining for me to give it back.
I held it up so Colten could read over my shoulder.
I heard him mutter under his breath as he read the words.
All of a sudden he swore violently.
He put a hand over his mouth and glanced at the crying twins. "Sorry, I just can't believe it!"

"Why, what is it? I didn't even read it properly, what with my human eyesight and all. It was the picture that got me interested." I said.
Colten grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes, smiling attractively .
"Raiven, your son - I mean our son, has just found it,"
"The cure to get you back to wolf again,"

I let out a glorious cry and looked at it and sure enough, there were instructions on how to reverse the damn curse. I kissed Corbin on his wet cheek. "Oh, I love you, I love you!"
Colten laughed "You raised a genius,"
The door opened again and Nick and Kory came in, "Sorry, Alpha. No one can find anything," Kory said apologetically.
Colten simply lifted the small piece of to them and shrugged.
They punched the air in victory. "Yeah! Now that Kale is gonna get it," Nick said, his eyes flashing darkly.

I knew everyone hated my brother but I mean...its still my brother.
Colten grabbed Corbin and gave him a quick, awkward, hug. "Nice one," he said, looking proudly at him.
Caden sulked and folded his arms then stuck his tongue out at Colten.

"Well, come on! Read the instructions, we need Raiven in full Were mode to be able to attack Derek and his little gang," Kory said stepping over to Colten.
Colten read it again, his eyebrows pulled together cutely and he looked so much like Caden - I didnt say anything though, he might get creeped out.

"Uhm," Colten said, his eyebrows tightening even more as his eyes scanned down the page, his fingers gripped the paper, then he looked up, his face thunderous.
"What? What did it say?" I asked desperately.
"This," he said flapping the paper angrily "Is total bull-"
"Watch your mouth," Nick butted in.

Colten glared at him "I have every right to say it. I'm not doing what it say on here." he said darkly. "What? But -" I protested. No way on earth was I going to stay human for the rest of my life! Thats a curse!
Colten's eyes flashed yellow "Listen, you're gonna have to stay human. I'd rather you do that,"
We all stared at him.
"Colten, have you lost your mind? A human Luna? Since when has that ever happened?" Nick asked. Colten shook his head "I'll step down from being an alpha if I have to."

Nick glanced at me then steopped forward and snatced the paper out of his hands. I was on the verge of tears, why was Colten gonna stop me from becoming who I was? I didn't wanna be a human and walk around blind and deaf and unable to smell the simplest scent.
Nick skimmed over it. "Dude, whats the problem? You could do this, easy," he shrugged.

"What is it? What do we have to do?" I persisted, getting tired of the suspense. Colten looked at me "You have to have the claws of two Alpha's dig into your lower back at a full moon," he said, his face showing no humor.
"Won't that turn me into an alpha? I mean, that's double Alpha DNA."
"Eh, you're practically an alpha anyway, it won't make a difference."
I looked at Colten for approval. He folded his big arms.
"No. Not only am I not pushing my claws into you but I'm not getting another alpha's dirty claws into you either."

He sounded like he meant business. "These claws are made for people like Derek and Kale. Not you."
"It's okay, I'll bear it!" I said, desperately.
"No. Besides, full moon's tonight. Where the hell am I supposed to find another alpha on short notice?""

Mine, Kory and Nick's eyes went straight to the twins.
Colten raised an eyebrow. "No."
"It won't hurt them!" I protested.
"I said no and that's final."
I let out a grunt of frustration like an angry teenager. "No, no, no! Is that the only word you know?" I yelled at him.
He looked taken aback but he stayed firm. "I'm not pushing my claws into you."
"If you love me you'll do it,"

Nick and Kory held in their breaths. Even the twins stopped babbling.
"I'm sorry, Raiven."

I wanted to throttle him so badly then. "Fine! Whatever!"
I turned my heel and stormed out. The male species were nothing but trouble and more trouble.
I went up to my room and slammed the door shut. Well, as hard as I could manage, and threw myself face down on the bed.
Even with my bad sense of smell, I could still faintly smell Derek. I kinda missed him in a weird way. He made my boys happy and I guess that's why I fell hard for him.

But Colten. The only guy whose not hurt me - yet.
I cried myself to sleep just thinking about him.

"Urgh, it reeks of that ba-"
"Dude! You have got to watch your mouth around your sons!"
I heard Colten grumble under his breath. Then the bed dipped slightly and a hand rested on my hip feeling the slighted shock of electricity.
"Hey, Raiven. You awake?"
"No. I'm practicing being dead." I muttered half sarcastically.
He gave a nervous chuckle.
"Look. I thought about it and...being a human sucks, I guess."
I didn't reply.
"Well, I've decided to do it -"

I didn't even let him finish and threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. "Yay!"
He pulled me back and smiled cutely. "Anything to make you happy. But we haven't got a lot of time, the moon's coming up soon."
I beamed up at him and scrambled out of bed, suddenly getting some energy.
"Well, let's go!"

Nick glanced at Colten and cleared his throat. "I know you wanna use the The twins because they're alpha's but, one problem. They're two years old. It's impossible for them to shift yet,"
Both mine and Colten's smiles disappeared.
I sat back dejectedly.
"Does it have to be two alpha's? Why two?" I moaned.
Nick shrugged "Well, why not?"

"Urgh, what a mess," Colten said, looking like he wanted to rip his own hair out.
"What now?" I asked him.
He shook his head and shrugged.
"Hey, say if by some crazy miracle, they somehow could shift?" I said, getting a little more hope again.

"Which twin would we pick?"

We each glanced nervously at each other, none of us daring to take sides.

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