Chapter 18

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The next day, Eren was drug around the palace for lessons on how to be a proper bride and future empoeress. History of the lands they lived in, which the humans called Maria. Demons had no need to call the lands anything, but humans liked to complicate things. And Eren could really care less about the land's history up till that moment. She knew the past two centuries already, and relearning what she already knew was boring. And the etiquette classes and what was expected from her.

"You are not to speak that way." Her instructor had said. "You are to sit by Prince Levi's side and not speak unless spoken too. Speak politely. And answer only what information is needed. Though you are to be more of something pretty to look at and to bare an heir." The instructor continued. Eren rolled her eyes. Once they knew that she actually preferred being a he, they would realize that all this time was completely wasted.

"Aren't I supposed to rule beside my husband? If I'm nothing more than something pretty to look at, how am I supposed to help my people? I have a voice, an opinion, and can contribute to any discussion." Eren said.

"That is not your role, Lady Eren. And your position is much different than most other ladies that have been in your position prior." The instructor said. Eren huffed. If only this woman knew. "I heard from a few of the noblemen that your behavior last evening was less than appropriate. This world is new to you, but you must understand that you can not just speak your mind or speak out to those who support the emperor. If you lose them, it could have catastrophic repercussions." Eren just rolled her eyes again as she was continually lectured for the rest of the lesson.

This went on for weeks, and Eren was sick of not seeing Levi. Forget not seeing Levi, she barely saw Armin or Mikasa either. Let alone her own male form. That ranked right up next to not seeing Levi. Eren missed her male genitals. And it's not like she could bring this up to anyone except the people she had almost no contact with. Eren couldn't see Armin because the Kitsune was considered 'dangerous' still, and they were afraid he'd seduce Eren. She didn't see Mikasa because she had her own lessons, and since she has been in the castle longer, and was born into royalty, her classes were more advanced.

And she couldn't see Levi because bullshit. That was literally all Eren could conclude. She saw him at meals.That was it. And then they didn't even sit next to each other at them, nor could they talk with each other like they yearned too. Eren wanted to at least. And their schedules didn't line up. Levi would be at one side of the castle while Eren was at the other, and the Kitsune swore they did this on purpose. Probably some 'virtue' bull shit. Eren made it her personal duty that as soon as her and Levi were married, she would be as loud as she could on her wedding night, just to brag about how good her 'virtue' was being taken. Even if it turned out Levi was bad in bed, as long as he could give Eren his child to bare, the Kitsune would put on the biggest bullshit show she could.

The leaves began to change color and Eren watched helplessly from her room where she was having another history lesson. She wanted to be out there with Levi, walking through them like in Levi's dreams. She wanted to be with the man she had decided to be her mate. And she wanted to be able to go defend her mate when she sensed a demon near by. It was hard to restrain from turning towards the source of negative aura and not go after said source or warn Levi. Armin seemed to be jumping on that quite well, but it was seriously beginning to put a downer on Eren's mood, and it began to show.

"Eren?" The Kitsune looked up from her meal. It was now later in the day and she was sitting with Levi, Mikasa, and the emperor at dinner. Eren looked to Levi, who had spoken to her. "Are you alright?" Levi asked. Eren tried to put up a fake, strong smile, but it just crumbled.

"No, not really." She admitted.

"Are you not feeling well?" Mikasa asked. Eren shook her head, feeling her long hair brush her shoulders, making the Kitsune again irritated about being in female form.

"No, it's not that. I was just hoping that I would've been able to spend more time with Levi once he asked for my hand and to bring me to his house." Eren said. "I've barely been able to speak with him. Everything is so different now compared to when we first met."

"These things are to be expected." The emperor said. "But you still have much to learn about the country you will be helping govern." Eren's eyes narrowed.

"Help govern? I've learned nothing in that aspect. I've been told I'm just to be a pretty face and bring forth an heir. I'm not to say a word for anything. I'm not going to be helping in anything. I'm not helping Levi rule. I hold as much importance as a brooch." Eren snapped out. "Don't lie to me and say I'll be doing anything important, because all I've heard is that I am incapable of doing such."

"Father." Levi said before said individual could speak. "I will be taking Lady Eren out tomorrow. Her lessons are canceled." Levi continued while looking into Eren's molten gold eyes. "I believe it is due time that I spend time with my future bride." Eren smiled softly.

"Thank you Levi."

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