Chapter 10

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"What in Inari's name are you doing with a fox!" The emperor yelled. Levi cringed for all of .001 seconds at the mention of the god, remembering what Eren and Armin had said.

"He was injured when I found him."

"So you just took him in without any thoughts of the consequences!? What if he brought more foxes! It's obvious from what the kitsune said that he was looking for the fox! What if he lures in more kitsune!" Levi almost growled.

"Isn't having a strong demonic army in our favor? Kitsune are extremely powerful-"

"And cunning and mischievous and lustful! They steal life force through intercourse and can lure anyone in! If that beast sleeps with anyone here, they're as good as dead!" Levi rolled his eyes. That sounded like complete shit to him.

"He said he was a zenko. Not yako. We have every reason not to trust a yako."

"And if this kitsune is a yako and lied to you, what are we to do?!"

"I thought we were talking about Eren." The emperor raised an eyebrow.


"My fox." The emperor narrowed his eyes.

"You named him?" Levi shook his head.

"He told me."

"Have you gone insane?!" Levi sighed.

"No. The fox is intelligent, understands human speech. He can write with his tails. Mikasa can confirm this, she's seen it as well and has helped me care for Eren."

"You brought Mikasa into this as well?"

"She did herself." Levi said, eyes narrowed slightly. "And if she is to be empress of a kingdom, she needs to do more then sit in her room with her thumb up her ass."

"You will watch your tongue in the throne room." The emperor sneered. Levi rolled his eyes.

"Yes father." And after excusing himself, went to find Eren and Mikasa, making sure the servants knew NOT to harm or be alarmed by the brown two-tailed fox that was going to roam the castle. When he found them, they were in Armin's room, talking.

"So the only real way to control a kitsune is- Oh, hello My Lord." Armin said, cutting off what he was saying. Levi quirked an eyebrow.

"What was this about controlling a kitsune?" He asked. It was important for Levi to know this, in order to protect them from his father. Armin seemed to fidget, but Mikasa calmed him.

"My brother won't use it against you." Armin nodded as his ears perked, listening before he sniffed the air gently.

"Alright but you must not share this information with anyone." Armin looked around wearily before reaching into his robes and producing a white ball, fitting perfectly in his hand, and had gold writing on it.

"What's that?" Levi said, watching the kitsune toss it up and down a few times.

"A kitsune ball. If someone posses our ball, we have no choice but to listen to them, however." Armin's eyes darkened. "Kitsune aren't very forgiving. Once we get our ball back, we will get our revenge. Kitsune don't like having our free will taken away from us." He said as he put his ball back, putting away before turning to the small fox in Mikasa's lap. He spoke to the small fox, Levi assuming a language only fox understood, before nodding.

"So, what now?" Mikasa asked Levi. Levi shrugged.

"We get Armin and Eren used to the castle. Since the servants know that Eren exists, he should be able to walk about the castle willingly." Eren's ears perked, his tails moving elegantly, as did Armin's. "Come on." And the four left Armin's room.

"Should you really be showing me around the castle?" Armin asked.

"Why shouldn't I? It's not like you're going to take anything or kill anyone. Right?" Levi looked back at the kitsune, who shook his head.

"No." The demon responded. So around the castle they went, introducing the two to servants, and showing where they were allowed to go.

"But Eren, you have to stay either with me, or Mikasa until everyone is used to your presence. No one here will lash out at a kitsune, but you are another case completely." The brown fox nodded as he stayed close to Levi' legs.

"Are you still going to make him clean your room?" Mikasa asked. Armin turned to Levi with narrowed eyes.

"You force Eren to clean your room?" Levi rolled his eyes at that.

"No. Little shit started to do so himself." He said, Eren's tails waving happily as he yipped to Armin. The kitsune giggled lightly before speaking in that strange language again. When he had finished, Eren's tails and ears went ramrod straight and he turned, whining loudly at the fox demon. Armin giggled again as he spoke more, did some weird eyebrow raising, and smirked as Eren whined again.

"What are you talking about?" Levi asked as Mikasa giggled after one of Armin's retorts.

"Teasing." Armin said with a smile. Eren just looked away, tails swaying as he continued walking by Levi's heels. "He's so whipped." Armin whispered into Mikasa's ear, causing the girl to giggle again.

"He's like a pet following around his master." Mikasa said, playfully. Eren turned quickly and growled.

"We know Eren. You're his guardian, not his pet. Take a joke." Armin dead panned. "Besides, a pet doesn't walk beside their masters, but behind." And then he slipped into that weird language again.

Levi had heard the entire exchange, but didn't quite get it. He wasn't a fox, so of course he wouldn't. He was intrigued with how close Armin and Mikasa seemed already. Maybe it was the demon blood in her veins, it could make her more likeable to other demons... right?

"He's thinking again." Mikasa said, causing Eren and Levi to turn to her, cocking their heads slightly, as well as their eyes brows. Mikasa and Armin stared for a moment before looking at each other and laughing. Armin leaned close into Mikasa's ear to whisper something that made her almost double over in laughter.

"What the hell's so funny?" Levi asked. Mikasa and Armin giggled a little more.

"You and Eren had such similar looks on your faces. It was too funny. Forgive me for laughing out of line My Lord." Levi and Eren rolled their eyes, causing the other two to giggle more.

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