Chapter 13

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Eren and Levi went to Armin the next day, Armin working as the mediator because they couldn't risk Eren being caught in human form.

"So you revealed yourself to Levi, and he obviously took it pretty well." Armin said as he sat on some extra pillows he... requested, from the emperor.

"No shit. Now I'm willing to try this shit out."

"Why?" Armin asked, completely serious and with a lethal gaze. "You want a male lover as much as Eren does. If this is just to fix your mortal problems, I won-"

"I'm in love with him in my dreams right? And dream him is the exact same as real him. If I'm married to Eren in my dreams, then I should be able to fall in love with him while I'm awake, right?" Armin said nothing as he continued to stare at Levi.

"You're going to have to start leaving the castle to visit the local village, or at least pretend to. Go through it and out. Pretend you met a wealthy girl living out in the country side. You're going to have to pretend to court her. Make this believable. The month before your birth month, you are going to have to bring her here. Her being Eren. I suggest bringing Eren with you everytime you go out."

"Why?" Levi asked, Eren cocking his head in question as well.

"Easy, so you two can actually fall in love. You'll be courting Eren, taking him out to do things together, form a bond. You already have a strong one since you're Eren's ward, My Lord. The only difference now is that you know that he isn't just a fox."

"What about when I bring Eren back as my bride and the fox him doesn't return." Armin smiled.

"Easy. When you went out, he either died, or found a vixen and went to start his own family, knowing your rule against having other foxes in the castle." Levi nodded. "I'd go with repopulating, because since your father thinks he's your precious pet, you'd be more heartbroken if he was dead. You seem like the person who'd allow others to find happiness before you as it is. No one will think anything of it."

"Alright, what do you think about all this Eren?" The fox looked at him and rubbed against him.

"What's your female name going to be Eren?" Armin asked.

"We could leave it Eren." Levi said. "It will make him more exoitic. The name isn't common among humans. You could say that it's common among foxes or something and I could bullshit that Eren's family strongly worships foxes and that Eren was given his name because a Kitsune had said it while in passing before being chased out of the village."

"That could work. But the emperor-"

"Is an idiot." Mikasa said as she entered the room, sitting down. Armin had gasped.

"Lady Mikasa-"

"It's true. Think of all the things happening behind his back right now. His son's going to marry a kitsune, and he slept with a demon and has a half demon living with him, and he hasn't noticed a damn thing."

"She has a point." Levi said, allowing Eren to crawl into his lap. "Back to the matter at hand. How will we convince everyone that Eren is of wealthy blood?"

"Kitsune are usually elegant by nature and have a noble air about us, as I'm sure you've noticed. No one really understands the kitsune robes, and they look to be made of the finest silks and dyes. Eren could wear his usual robes, and no one would think anything of it." He said. "So there should be nothing to worry about. And having Eren being a little fiery would be good. You've been fighting with your father about your lover for some time I assume. So you'd want someone different than the other noble daughters. Eren is perfect for this."

"Alright." Levi said, hand going over Eren's fur gently, like nothing had changed between them. "So, when should I start going to court Eren?" Armin began to think when Mikasa answered.

"You could today. Tell father you're going to look for a wife on your own. Stay out with Eren until around dinner time. Tell father you've found a few possible matches, and will be going to spend time with each woman frequently until you find the wife you want. Then, as Armin said, bring Eren back in his female form." Mikasa said, reaching out and petting one of Eren's tails.

"And when he asks who the hell they are? What then?" Mikasa shrugged.

"You could always say that only one has caught your eye, and that you plan to court her before bringing her back to the castle." Armin said, tails swaying from side to side. "And while you're performing your duties around the castle, Eren can follow Mikasa around to learn how act like a noble lady. It won't matter once you become emperor, but at the beginning he'll need to know how to act like one. Eren, obviously, isn't very ladylike." Eren nodded and whimpered happily when Levi scratched behind one of his ears.

"Alright. How often should I leave between now and the beginning of winter?"

"Beginning of winter?" Armin asked. Mikasa nodded.

"Levi's birth fell upon the last month of the year. The first month of winter, on the 25th day." Eren's ears perked as his tails swayed and he yipped up at Levi.

"I don't understand you, bratty fox."

"He said his birth fell in the beginning of the spring. The third month of the year on the 30th day." Levi hummed in acknowledgement. That was important information that he'd have to save for later.

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