She awakes on the eve of her 2,800 year, strips of dusty linen cracking as she shuffles over to the tomb's door.
When it opens, she'll be ready.
AN/: THE GUESTS WILL ARRIVE SHORTLY is a 28 word story written for ParanormalCommunity's 1st birth/death day celebration. Happy day, WPRS! I get all kinds of squishy feelings when I think of you. Wait—that's not you, that's the alien pod attached to my spine. Come to think if it, it's about to have its own birth/death day!
In all seriousness, dearest readers, do check out the fun on April 30th as we celebrate the Wattpad Paranormal Research Society and its first trip around the sun. You can also write your own 28 word story celebrating the life and death of the undead! Make sure you put the #HappyDeathDay hashtag in both the title and story tags. Have fun!
Story in Which I do Not Save the World from an Alien Invasion & other Flash Fiction
Short StoryFlash Fiction, challenges, fun short things, including this: This is my entry to @ScienceFiction's Challenge 8: The Duoabble. The goal of this challenge is to write a story about a teenager and an alien life form in EXACTLY 200 words. The scoop: Gir...