The Big Surprize

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We were in our last class for the day when my bestie Trisha nudged me catching my attention " hmm" I answered " Danny keeps looking at you weirdly, what did you say to him?" Trisha kept glancing over my shoulder "I just told him the truth that's all....he's just tripping" I said takin g a glance behind me . the last bell rang and I sighed in relief and said " let's get outta here... I have to get home early, ma parents wanna talk" I began walking just to be pushed  landing on my butt, I looked up and saw Danny hovering over me. I got up and shubbed him back making him stumble a little everyone knows that I'm a good fighter, some people evern gave me the name speedy. I suddenly got fisted square in the face "Don't you know its wrong to hit a young lady?" I asked rubbing my jaw getting angier each time I rub it " when you see one let me-...." he didn't get to finish because my fist colided with his nose, a sickening crack echoed through the class room. I didn't wait for him to recover before my anger got the best of me and just landed fist after fist and couple kicks. After I calmed down I watch him on the floor twisting and groaning as if that would help. "oh and BTW not only your boring in bed your dick is also small" I pointed out matter of factly and every one started into a fit of laughter, pleased with myself I left the classroom and headed to the restroom to look at my newly bruised jaw, it's not the first time I've taken a hit, heck I even servived a gunshot wound " ASH!!!!....are you done in there" 

" Yea just finishing up" I added a final touch of make up to make my skin look normal, note that I don't wear makeup my skin is originally flawless, anyway I existed through the school doors with my my besties at my side we went up to our cars each of us have our own lqambourgini. mine is red and black Tracey's is purple and black , Trisha's is pink and black, we even have our own parking space.I started up my baby and back out of my parking space, out of nowhere Danny come up infront my car and forced me to stop, suddenly he open my car door and hopped in " Drive " that's all he said and it irretated me "who the fuck you think you are commanding me to do things!!!!!!" I said getting angier with each  word I said, " ok sorry  could you just drive the car please"

"Fine only because you said please" I drove out of the schoool yard onto the highway. The was silent until I broke it " ok start talking." I left no room for discussion in my voice " ok I'm sorry I punched you in last peiod, I just got pissed because everyone started to down grade......" " so you felt like starting a fight with me" I said cutting him off " yes.... but then you beat my ass.. how did you learn how to fight like that?" he question and I didn't like it " ok I'm taking you home I've to be home by 3 my parents are waiting for me" with that said I drove straight to his house and then headed for mine " where have you been, we told you 3:00 and now it's 3:30 why can't you listen for once" my mom continued with her rambling but I just tuned her out like always she just talks too much sometimes. " mom chill I had to drop a kid to his house and its on the next side of town the good side." I said calmly " now why do I have to come home so early?" "we have to tell you something " she said with a concerned look " were moving to london sweatheart."

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