Chapter Three

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"Hide!" Marinette whispered frantically, waiting for him to scramble for a hiding place before opening the hatch again and apologizing to her mother.
"Who were you talking to up there?" The older woman asked, looking at the younger skeptically.
"Uhh... It was... A cute alley cat who wanted some l-love. I thiNK HE'S GONE NOW." Marinette said the last part louder than necessary, hoping he could hear it and get the hint.
"Was it a cute cat?" Her mother asked innocently.
"He was a really cute cat." She answered breathlessly, thinking back to her last moments with that stupid Chat.
    Chat chuckled softly to himself softly on his way back to his lonely, isolated house. The sixteen year old boy, it seems that without even realizing it, had become love struck. He smiled dazedly as he strolled across the rooftops.
    Then, as if he had been struck by lightning, he understood what he had done, and grief took him. When had been the last time he and Ladybug had conversed in their easy flirtatious way? He loved her most definitely... What was this feeling towards Marinette that made him act how he did? Did he love Marinette? How could he betray Ladybug like this?
    It wasn't that he was starting to get over Ladybug, more like his heart had expanded to fit both of them more or less equally.
    Marinette, this incredibly talented, kind, gorgeous girl who just might like him back against Ladybug. Ladybug, the definition of beauty, her miraculous prowess and ability to solve every problem using the best possible method that enticed his soul to hers.
    But... To be honest with himself, did he really have a chance with Ladybug? On several occasions she'd mentioned that she was interested in someone else, someone better than a silly alley cat.
    Adrien simply couldn't choose between the two girls, and he determined that he would not make a decision until he had spent more time with each girl.
    The next day, a Sunday, had been surprisingly busy for the two superheroes. Not to mention that even during some pretty serious Akuma attacks, Ladybug had been acting funny. It was almost as if she was distracted by something.
    Chat Noir, though, went through the same motions that accompanied almost every mission beforehand. He flirted, even if he didn't receive the same playful rejections he was used to. When he made a pun about something Ladybug would totally despise, she gave him a little smile, instead of, "Get to work, you stupid cat!"
    After their work finished, Ladybug looked as if she'd come to a decision about something. She stopped Chat on his way home with a serious, almost sad expression on her face.
"What is it My Lady?" He asked her, his voice filled with confusion and worry.
"Don't do that. I'm not your lady. I can't believe you. You really do treat every single girl like this, don't you? You flirt and you feel like you can do this to everyone because you don't feel the impact. You probably don't feel anything for anyone. Not really." She burst, letting all the pent up feelings flow out until she couldn't sum up another word. Chat looked shocked, his mouth agape for a moment before snapping shut. He took a step back and squared his shoulders before meeting Ladybug's eyes.
"How can you say that? Every guy you meet falls in love with you, me included! Ladybug, I do love you, and I don't flirt with every girl I meet. I... I have fallen in love though. Her name is Marinette. I love you both equally, and I will always be loyal to you, but you told me yourself you wouldn't have me... Ever." Ladybug turned away from him at this point, eyes starting to brim with tears of happiness.
"I hope you make her happy." She said this as a quiet farewell before flinging her yo-yo and swinging off.
    The next day at school, Adrien had been thinking about the events of the day before when a sudden thought struck him: he wanted to get Marinette a promise ring of some sort. But instead of having her wear it on her ring finger, he would make it into a necklace for her to have always. He wanted Marinette to know that his feelings weren't something that we're given easily. He wanted her to have more faith in him than Ladybug seemed to have. This way seemed to be a good way to let her know the security of his feelings.
    Plagg, Adrien's kwami, seemed to have another opinion. "Why get her a stupid ring when you can give her cheese? She looks like she probably loves Camembert."
    The promise ring he bought had been personalized to fit his situation. It was small, slender silver thing with an elegant engraving that read: 'I pledge my whole self to you, if you'll have a silly cat like me. I love you, Marinette.'
    Later that night, after the Chat had slung the ring onto a sturdy but classy silver chain, he knocked at the hatch on his Princess's roof. She answered it with an almost sickly  look on her face.
    Marinette had felt guilty after losing her cool at Chat after the Akuma attack. She desperately wanted to apologize after Chat revealed his secret to her. Did he really love her? Marinette, this clumsy, immature, forgetful, incredibly unimportant girl? She could hardly believe him as he unknowingly pledged his love to her. She regretted ever saying those hurtful things to him as Ladybug, and hoped he could forgive her someday.
    When a knock sounded at her roof hatch, she jumped, not expecting her almost beloved Chat's company. When she made it to the hatch, her nerves were just about uncontrollable. She probably looked sick, but he didn't know the sickness was from guilt. Marinette had never been good with guilt. When she was fourteen she accidentally deleted an important video off of Alya(her best friend)'s phone. She had tried to hide it and ended up regretting it incredibly. Marinette invited Chat into her room, noticing his attitude was a bit more serious than it usually was around her. He stepped to face her, standing closer than was necessary.
"Prin-Marinette... Um I have something to tell you."
"Yes?" Marinette answered, too quickly, her eyes gleaming with expectancy.
"First, I know it's sudden and I know it might be too early for this but... You just... You fit. You fit into my heart like a puzzle piece that has always been meant to be there. I love you more than my own life and I want to be with you forever." With that he produced the delicate promise ring necklace from one of his pockets, dangling it in front of her for a moment.
"Will you have me?" He finished with hopeful eyes. She smacked her hands over her mouth immediately, and took a step back from him. Was he really... How is she supposed to respond to this? He didn't know how much this meant to her, and she was so grateful for his place in her life.
    Finally, after a moment when tears had fallen from her eyes, she nodded and threw her arms around his neck. She kissed him, letting him know she felt the same for him. He clasped the necklace around her neck, and she immediately read the inscription.
    Marinette spent the rest of the night wrapped up in his arms, whether they were kissing passionately, or sleeping contentedly. Adrien stayed even after his transformation wore off, and Marinette knew not to look, even if she wanted to desperately. She wanted to never be without him. She wanted to look upon his masked face forever.

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