Chapter Six

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    Mari wanted to return the favor Chat had done her by giving her this necklace. He did it to reassure her of his feelings, now she wanted to do the same. She wanted him to know that what they had wasn't some flammable, dysfunctional fling. He was so dear to her, and she was so dear to him; it just made sense for her to get him a ring. Not a necklace promise ring, but one that matched hers in almost every other way.
    Marinette had been looking for her secret stash of money the next day after school when Tikki let out a quiet squeak and hid herself. Immediately Mari whipped around, expecting one of her parents. A sly looking cat lounged on her desk chair, playfully swinging his leather tail around in his hand. The blue-eyed girl relaxed and smiled warmly at her Chat. She crossed the room to him and wrapped her arms around his head, Chat still seated. The cat nuzzled Mari's stomach, and hugged her torso to him. They stayed like that for a few moments, completely content in each other's arms.
    After Chat had left for the night and Marinette had found her stash of money, she set out to buy the ring. It had taken a few hours, but Mari was home before curfew with an engraved silver ring to match hers. Now the only thing left to do was give it to her silly alley cat.
    "What do you think?" The dark-haired girl's voice was anxious. The day after acquiring the ring, she'd tried to inconspicuously slip it onto his ring finger while kissing him. He'd caught her of course, and briefly halted their make-out session to inspect the ring on his finger.
    Chat tried to play it off cool. He really tried, but his joy over the return of her feelings was too much for him. He almost...loved this girl. He didn't want to jump at the word when it wasn't right like a lot of the young couples he's seen. All he could do besides try not to choke up and make a fool of himself was kiss the living hell out of her. She didn't complain. The rest of the night passed normally for the two lovers. Chat stayed until he had to go, and they parted blissfully.
    "Marinette?" Adrien called out to her from across the courtyard two days later. School had just let out for lunch break, and he had a plan to put into action.
"Yes? What-oh! Adrien! Um.... Uh, hey?" The last part came out sounding like a nervous question, followed by an awkward, frightened laugh.
"Hey... I wanted to apologize for what happened the other day. That was really stupid of me. Also, to promote the likeliness of you forgiving me, I wanted to invite you to lunch at my place. We have some of the finest chefs in Paris."
"I'd like that very much... And Adrien... It's okay. What happened was really no big deal." Now that she'd gotten over him, it was easier for her to converse and interact without blushing or freaking out.
    Adriens plan was a pretty stupid one. He could just go over to her house in the middle of the night and reveal himself. It would be a lot quicker that way. But no, for some reason it was incredibly important that he reveal his identity to his Princess in his own room. All this he thought to himself as he opened a car door for the love of his life. They drove off in a slightly awkward silence towards Adrien's mansion.
After an incredibly delicious and multi-course lunch had finished, Adrien brought Mari to his huge room to finish the almost-date with a game of Cats'n'Bugs. Then, he put his plan into action.
"Marinette, I'll be right back. I have something." He said earnestly before excusing himself and exiting the room. What he wanted to do was break it to her as Chat and see how she reacted.
Mari jumped at the sound of a knock on the windows that lined one wall. Chat grinned at her, but she could tell something was bothering him. It must look suspicious, her being at another boy's house. She tried to smile and let him into the room.
Chat lead Mari to the edge of the bed, his gloved hand clasped tightly to hers. He'd planned on revealing himself for days. As soon as the doubt started to seep in around the edges of his resolve, he tightened it with a flex of his jaw.
"Mari... I need to show you who I am." He said quietly after a moment of silence. Her eyes widened in surprise, and looked as if she were about to reject him. She did not though, and looked at him expectantly. With a smooth grin, he released his transformation.
"I know I may not be what you expected... And I'm not really all that spe-" Marinette cut him off with a kiss.
"Adrien. I-I've loved you for a long time and... I want to be with you." Adrien smiled, and kissed her back fervently. Tender, trembling lips slanted over each other again and again, becoming more and more heated. Adrien cupped the small of her back, sliding his hand up her shirt. Her bare skin against his seemed like electricity, in such a way it made him crave for more.
Adrien eased Mari onto the bed, his mouth never leaving hers. Mari wrapped her legs around his waist, their hips grinding gently.
'She is so beautiful... I love this girl, more than I ever loved Ladybug. I want her to be mine forever.' Adrien thought, repeating this mantra in his head on a loop. He really loved her, and it felt so right. Just being with her, knowing she loved him too... It felt like they clicked, like they were meant for each other from the time they were born.
Adrien's mouth had wandered across her jaw and down to her neck, where he continued, sucking and kissing at his beloved's porcelain skin. Marinette, after letting out a sensual moan, tapped at the fabric of his T-shirt as if asking permission to remove them. The thought hadn't even struck Adrien yet, and he broke away from Mari to rip off his striped black shirt. Her hands raked at the bare skin of his back, pulling him flush to her body.
Like lightening, the couple had a simultaneous thought. Both of them opened their eyes, the two pairs of irises almost as large as saucers as they stared at each other. His eyes posed a question unspoken, but understood by his counterpart. She broke into the widest, happiest smile Adrien had ever seen, and Marinette nodded. For a moment, Adrien was transfixed by that incredible smile, but he snapped into it as he realized what was about to happen between the two lovers.
Slowly, sensually, Adrien removed Mari's jacket and shirt from her torso, leaving her only her breasts in a black lace bra. He kissed each of them, grinning when Marinette's startled gasp left her lips in a rush. Adrien removed his and Marinette's jeans, his hands brushing the fabric of her pink flower print underwear.
Soon the two lovers beheld each other in all their glory. The only thing left on Marinette was the delicate faith necklace Adrien had given her and her Miraculous. Adrien was wearing both his Chat Noir ring and the promise ring Marinette had given him.
As they began, the two realized again the depth of their love for each other, and continued with vigor.
Tikki and Plagg had been awkwardly off to the side of this intense affair at first. After a few attempts at trying to get the couple's attention, they had given up and moved to Adrien's bathroom where Plagg had thrown a full on fit about the two teenagers.
"What is with those two? It's like we're invisible! Adrien promised me cheese the moment we got back and look what's happened!" Plagg shouted in spite. Tikki rolled her eyes and let out a cute breathy little sigh.
Tikki had know pretty much since the beginning that Adrien had been Plagg's Miraculous holder. Being the romantic that she is, she wanted Marinette to find out for herself, and stayed mostly out of it. Sometimes she gave vague suggestions and advice because if she didn't, she felt she would explode with frustration.
Alas, the two fairies had to acknowledge the amount of block-headed and stubbornness their young friends were given by the Gods.
About two hours later, after the Kwamis had fallen asleep together, Adrien came into the bathroom. He looked completely content, even with his horrible bed head, and the angry red scratches on his back. Plagg woke immediately and covered Tikki with a wash cloth.
"What do you think you're doing? I've been without cheese for forever!" Plagg shouted in a nagging voice. Adrien looked surprised for a moment, then tripped and fell flat on his face.
This gave Tikki, who had been awake immediately after being covered with a damp towel, a good chance to make it to a better hiding place without being noticed. She rushed to Marinette's purse, and his just as she heard Adrien let out a string of curse words to insult Plagg.

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