Glow of Seattle

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The car rocked up and down on the bumpy road to Seattle, the heart of Delsin Rowe's "industry". Luckily, the conduits that attacked us last night road up to us in a car, which we decided to snag, since we didn't want to walk one hundred miles. It was a Dodge Charger, so we could all fit in no problem. I'm leaning against the window of the car in the backseat, peering at the sunrise, when the driver, Zeke, suddenly speaks to me.

"You should get some sleep, kid. I doubt you had a good rest earlier and we still have a while to go until we reach the city," Zeke says.

Frank, who sits in the co-driver's seat, nods in agreement with Zeke, "I'll wake you when we get there."

"Alright," I whisper.

Zeke is right, I am tired. The feeling of power I had earlier has vanished and given way to immense fatigue, much like a sugar crash. I lay down across the backseats and make a pillow with my jacket so that I can make it a little more comfortable. I fall asleep almost immediately.

Sudden flashes race through my mind, orange and yellow bursts explode together and away from each other. I see a blue silhouette with flaming hands, it's shooting fire out of them. It suddenly jumps away from something and the flames on its arms turn to rockets, propelling it upwards. But they only carry it a little bit before it slowly glides back down. It lands in the sea of black surrounding it and red silhouettes appear around it. The blue silhouette looks around, it's terrified. The red silhouettes leap at the blue one in what looks like a furious rage. It's impossible to escape. It can't get out.

It's going to die.

I awake in a cold sweat to Frank softly rocking me awake.

"Are you ok? You were fidgeting and groaning in your sleep," He asks.

I blink, then sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes, "Uh...yeah, I'm fine." I respond.

"Good, because we need you to get us into Seattle," Zeke chirps in, pointing out the front windshield.

I lean forward in my seat and look where Zeke is pointing. At first, I don't see anything. Then, as we make our way over the top of a hill, a glowing city stretches out before us. Billboards and multi-story buildings stuck out among the busy streets. The Space Needle stood tall in the distance, across a body of water.

"We're entering through the Lantern district, since it's not as heavily guarded as the North Island, but that doesn't mean we can just waltz in. We need a plan of attack, a way to get in without being noticed," Zeke continues, "Unless you want to walk in guns blazing."

"It's an actual tactic," Frank comments, "If we take out all the conduits guarding the border, before they're able to phone it in, it'll be like nothing ever happened."

"Wait, why do we have to have a plan of attack?" I ask, "Why don't we just 'waltz in'?"

"The conduits lining the city have commands from Rowe to kill anyone trying to get in. Or out. So we need to find a way in if we want to stop his tyranny," Zeke explains, "But luckily," Zeke pulls out a map, "I have the plans to the sewer system under the city. We could find a way in through there."

Frank grunts, then looks at me, "What do you think, Daniel?"

I see. So, we either head in guns blazing and hope we get every conduit, or sneak in through the sewers, undetected. The "guns blazing" idea would take less time and leave less enemies in our path when we face Rowe, but the covert way gives us a more likely chance of getting in undetected.

What should I do?

Sneak Through The Sewers. (Good Karma)

Kill The Conduits In Our Path. (Bad Karma)

Choose One.

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