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This here is the continuation of the previous story. Knowing i should have ended the story in the first part itself but felt the need to create suspense.
Sorry for the late update, will be more accurate as the chapters flow in.

"Greatest isn't sowed by reapers but by believers. Greatness sowed is greatness reaped, always remember"
Was a qoute i invented in my head as i was walking back from school. I always felt very smart as i grew to become a very uncommon minded person, in other sense i never thought the way others did.
Walking home muttering to myself praises was something i loved doing.
Reaching home was such a good feeling as i walked in the door, threw my bag away and jumped right onto my bed. "Ahhhh! Paradise." i thought to myself. As i dragged my sweaty body under the shower i soon began thinking again. For some reason my brain just never took a break, i was officially the living example of over thinking
Standing under the shower as the water ran down my body cooling every inch of me! Still over thinking though.
My mind slowly relaxed after some time.. "Showers can calm anyone down, even over thinkers like me" i mummered.

As my mom knocked on my bathroom door, signing me to get out. I quickly wiped myself dry and ran out.
All dressed, looking presentable i sat down to see my moms confused face glaring at me.
She said in one voice very clearly, "Your buddy next door is moving, im sure you heard!"
Nodding in defeat and sighing in sadness i looked back up at her and said, "yeah! But i dont care! Ill get new friends"
I immediately got up in anger and marched right upto my bedroom and slammed the door. Hearing my mom mutter, "that doesnt look like not caring...."
Ignoring the truth behind her sentence, i sat on my bed and opened my old album lying under the desk. Nothing felt more worse than looking at memories you love and knowing they will never happen again. Closing my eyes strong shut to avoid tears from rolling out.
Adding to my misery, my mom opens the foor slightly saying, "I hope you are prepared for tomorrows test!" Looking so disguested at that statement i choose not to reply and instead slam a pillow right over my face and screech.
How am i to cope with this? Did he have to leave now? Couldn't he tell me earlier? I thought to myself as my mind started over thinking again.

Not few seconds later i had an imaginary light bulb over my head. My over thinking finally came to some use. The great idea that came upon me was to spend the entire day with him and relive those memories in my album! "You clever girl" i told myself with a huge grin on my face.

Taking few heavy steps down the hall, i reached my mom and stopped her trail and she took a few steps back in shock. Looking at me in comfusion... I quickly explained to her my plan, wiping off the comfusion off her face. She smiled and nodded, giving me an indirect yes! With that note i quickly ran next door, knocking at it vigorously. He opened it to see my over excited expression which made him raise his eyebrows in confusion. I pulled his right hand and placed the album in it. The album had writings on it, in big bold letters in had the word MEMORIES on it, which we were currently going to relive. "What better way to spend our last day?" i explained to him in a question. "That sounds great" he said, emphasizing on great. "But I'll pass.." he continued. Glaring at him in utter most confusion i loudly said, "What?!" He continued the conversation by saying, "Yeah, im sorry" and shut the door, leaving me and my confused mind stranded outside his door step.

I came to his place as the most excited person alive and left his place as the most confused living being. I walked away biting my finger nails and frowning my eyebrows. My face had become so small, just by the sight of me you would know something was wrong.
Wiping off all expressions off my face i entered my home with a blank expression. Unfortunately my mom could spot my sadness from miles away. Coming closer and closer to me she hugged me, she just hugged me and left me even more confused.
While hugging me she said in my ear softly, "I heard the conversation" i sighed in relief and said, "i dont want to talk about it" and ran into my room.

As i sat in my room and thought to myself "Why should i let a boy bother me so much? Its not like i like him or anything, its purely based on friendship" lying to myself.
Nothing could make me more happier than him and nothing could make me more sad than him. He knew exactly which strings to pulls or which buttons to push. Giving him such huge priority in my life was a huge mistake.
"Being 15 is not easy, Taylor Swift agrees with me" i chuckled as i joked to myself while listening to a Taylor Swift song. Ignoring everything that happened today i quickly dunked my head on my pillow and fell right alseep.
Waking up to sadness was a crappy feeling. I got off my bed, dizzy as can be. I ran right to my mirror to fix my hair, actually to fix everything, i looked like an utter mess. With my sleepy eyes i turned to look at the clock and on seeing the time my sleepy eyes opened so wide. Its was 4pm. I always met him at 4pm. I quickly dressed up, trying to look the best i can. Pulling my pants up and cursing it in my head "not a good day for you to act stubborn, stupid pants"
After finally getting them on i took a last glance in the mirror and rushed down stairs not giving any second thought.
Reaching the ground, looking right, left, everywhere, i finally spot him talking to Emily. Emily was one girl i hated. She was bitchy and over dramatic but being bitchy myself i couldn't judge her. All i could say to defende the fact that i hate her was, similar poles repel.
Rolling my eyes as she flirted with him and rolled my eyes again to the fact the he was enjoying it. I ran to interrupt their 'important' conversation. He looked at me and then looked back at emily and smiled. While Emily had a good blush, i took that time to tap his shoulder hoping he would acknowledge the fact i was there. He hugged Emily goodbye and walked past me as if i was completely invisible. Just there, he made me feel like a nobody. He made a popular, pretty girl feel like a nobody.
Looking back at Emily who was still blushing away. I asked her, "whats up with him?" as i puckered my lips in depression. She looked at me and said, "I don't know but he's so cute!" crunching her shoulders together and blushed till her cheeks were apple red. Looking at the scene in front of me was not at all pleasing. "She's going to be of no help" i said to myself. "i didn't get all dressed up to be ignored mister" i tried teleporting my thoughts to him as he walked away.

Something was off. Even a 5 years would tell you. Not enough he was leaving now he's ignoring me plus i have this stupid unwanted test tomorrow. "Wow, being a teenager seems so fun right now" i sarcastically muttered to myself.
Tomorrow was the only chance to redeem myself. After tomorrow i would have no chance. He was leaving and nothing i do will stop that. Dragging my feet back home and trying my best to hold my head up high as my head felt like it no longer had a relation with my body. "Nothing worse could top this feeling, nothing better could change this feeling, nothing, nothing could...." I was off by a calm voice behind me, it was him, the guy that brought me to this state! I stopped in my footsteps tp hear what he had to say. He said in a slow voice, tilting his head towards me, "Please dont hate me"
I was too hurt to reply to that and quietly walked away.

Sometimes we need to realize that not everyone you love is lovable and not everyone you trust is trustable. But still we do it, not because we are weak in our thoughts but because we are strong in our beliefs.
Sometimes being someones option when they are your priority is normal but that doesnt mean you except it.
Always remember,
Greatness isn't sowed by reapers but by believers. Greatness sowed is greatness reaped.

This story was very hard to elaborate on as there were to many aspects and details to reply on.
But somehow, if you made it till the end please recommend this story and shares your views.

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