~Reckless And Relentless~

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Ben's POV

"Yeah, Yeah, what ever." I rolled my eyes "Can I leave now?"

"Ben?" The teacher snapped "Do you realized what you did?" 

"I just beat up 3 kids, the fuck is the deal?"

"What's the deal?" She hissed "They are going to bleed to death!"

I rolled my eyes "They deserved it."


"Faggots deserve everything that hits them."

"Bruce, get out of my class room." She snapped

"Will be my pleasure." I got up from my chair, storming out of the class room

"How did it go?" My best friend Danny, stood up, running towards me as I walked to my locker

"She's a bitch, but it went well."

"What did she say."

"Not important." I grabbed my Nike bag and shut my locker, locking it


I nodded 

"Are we gonna get James?"

"Do you want to?"  We exited the school

He shrugged "Your choice."

"Doesn't he have soccer?"

He rolled his eyes "Yeah."

"Well, fuck him." I pulled out a cigarette. I handed Danny one. 


I lit mine and then his. I put the lighter back in my pocket as we walked. "Do you have it?" He looked at me

"Have what?"

"Fake Id's?"

I nodded and pulled out my wallet. I handed him his.

"Fuck yes." Danny smiled, putting it in his pocket

I chuckled and put my wallet back in my pocket

"Wanna go use them?"

"I already used mine."

"Well, it'll be your second time."

I chuckled "Fine."


We walked into the bar. Me and Danny are 17 years old, but on the ID we're 21. We sat down. 

"What can I get you two boys?" The woman smiled at us

"I'll get a cup of Scotch." I said

"I'll get a cup of Jim Beam." Danny smiled

She nodded and handed us our cups.

"Thanks." I smiled

She nodded and looked into my eyes. I smirked at her. She sighed as another person called her.

"This is just what I need." I sighed


"It's been a rough fucking week. I'm just glad it's over."

Danny nodded, taking a drink. I took a drink and looked over at the TV. Hockey. I scoffed and turned back to Danny. His eyes were locked on the TV. "I'll be right back." I stood up, grabbing my drink. I walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and sighed. Who the fuck does my Dad think he is? He can't tell me what the fuck to do. I can do what ever the fuck I want. I am rock and roll. I'm living the life people can only dream of. I should be proud, but how could I when people only try to get in my way?

"You okay there, Baby?' A girl snapped me out of my thoughts

I looked and saw the girl that gave me the drink "I-I'm fine." I finished my drink. She stepped into the bathroom and locked the door. She walked towards me, placing her hand on my chest. I smirked at her. She moved her body closer to me.

"Yo, Ben." Someone knocked on the door

"What?" I hissed

"James is here."

I backed away from the girl "I have to go see my friend."

She handed me a piece of paper "I get off work at 10." She opened the door and walked out

"Damnnn." Danny scanned her body as she walked by him

I chuckled "Where's James?"

"Talking to a girl."

I nodded as we walked back to our seats.

"Ben!" James sat beside me

"Hello, James." The girl poured me another glass of Scotch

He smiled "Can I get Scotch?"

"Nice grammar." I chuckled

"Fuck off." He nudged my side

I chuckled. The girl chuckled as she handed him a glass of Scotch

"You guys wanna take this to Cameron's house?" Danny asked

I nodded 


A/N: First chapter :D

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