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Denis's POV

I entered the lunch room. Something tells me I shouldn't trust Ronnie. He seems like...A bad boy.

"Yo Stoff!" I heard him yell

I looked beside me. There were a group of 4 people at the table. I walked towards them. Ronnie pulled me down beside him. "Guys, this is who I was telling you about: Denis Stoff."

"Hi." I waved

"Denis this is Ryan, Max, Christian, and Zakk." he pointed to the other guys. "So how are you Denis?" He wrapped his arm around me

"Alright-t." I muttered

"You're a shy one."

I felt my face heat up

"Denis!" Someone said behind me

Ronnie and I quickly turned around. Ben was standing there. "What do you want, Bruce?" Ronnie scoffed

"May I talk to that boy you have there?"

Ronnie looked at me and raised his eyebrow. I stood up. Ben glared at Ronnie "Follow me, Denis." Ben turned around.

He led me to the back of the school.

"Why the fuck are you hanging out with him?!" Ben snapped

"He's my friend.." I muttered

"He's nobody's friend." He snapped "He's just fucking using so he can fuck you!"

"How do you know that Ben? You don't know Ronnie."

I scoffed "I know that kid more than you. He's the biggest slut in the school."

"You know what, Ben? You're the biggest slut in the school." I pushed Ben before walking away. I felt tears start to stream down my face. Why did I do that? What the hell is wrong with you Denis?


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