~Sam Bettley~

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Bens POV

I looked at Kirill. He was really close to me, looking around.
"It's okay, Kirill." I wrapped my arm around him "I'll take care of you."
He looked up at me and smiled "thank you." His face went red.
After a few more drinks, I found myself inside with Danny and Sam.
"Where's that new boy?" Sam asked
"I'm not sure. He left somewhere" I trailed off
"Well, a boy like him should not be alone at a party like this, Ben. You should look for him." I totally forgot about looking after him
I scoffed. Seconds later, Sam stood up "where the fuck you going?"
"Going to look for him. Since you won't." He rolled his eyes and walked off
I groaned and looked at Danny.
"Do you even like that boy?"
"Hm?" I looked at Danny
"Kirill. He doesn't seem the type you would like."
I put my head in my hands as I felt a headache coming on. "I don't know." I sighed. I want to. But something tells me I'm in love with Denis.

Kir's POV

I sat at the side of a house with my knees pulled up to my body and my head resting on them. I rocked myself back and forth slowly, closing my eyes. I wanted to find Denis so I left Ben. I couldn't find him so I started looking everywhere.
Next, these 3 boys started pushing and punching me. I ran as fast as I could away from them. I wasn't even at the party anymore. I'm not sure where I am. I sill hear music but I'm too afraid to go back.
I rested my head against the wood house and sighed. I softly started crying
"Kirill!" I heard an unfamiliar yell
I lifted my head up slightly. A boy appeared. He had brown hair and tattoos.  "Oh my god." He bent down beside me. I quickly backed up
"P-please stay away." I buried my face in my knees and cried "p-please do-don't hurt-t me." I backed up farther
"Kirill." He said softly "I would never hurt you. Why would you think I would."
"Who are you-you?" I looked up a bit
"I'm Sam. I'm one of Ben's best friend."
"Where is Ben?"
"Drunk. I'm not surprised he left you."
"Can you please take me home?" I looked at him in the eyes.
"Your face." He lightly put his hand on my cheek "it's filled with bruises and cuts." He lightly moved my face back and forth "I'll take you to my place and get you fixed up."
"N-No its fine." I muttered
"I'll take you home right after. You have cuts on your face that have to get treated. You don't want them to get infected, do you?"
I sighed giving in "fine."
"Come on." He stood up and took my hand. I felt dizzy. And had a major headache
"I got you," He noticed me stumbling back a bit. I nodded.
We finally got to his car, which felt like hours. He put me in the passengers seat and did my seat belt. He got in the other side and drove off. The drive was quiet and long.
The car stopped and he got out. He then opened my door and lightly grabbed me. "I can walk." I said
"I know but I don't want to risk you falling over." He pulled me out and started walking towards his house.
He walked me to his room and I sat on his bed. "I'll go get the first aid kit." He walked off
I looked around the room. It was pretty basic besides all the Guns N' Roses posters and flags. I looked behind me. Polaroids hung on the wall with lights.

 Polaroids hung on the wall with lights

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They were all of his friends. I smiled as I saw one of Ben. Him and Sam were smiling wildly. They looked young, around 8.
Sam came back seconds later and sat beside me. He tilted my head back and dabbed rubbing alcohol on the cut. I winced at the pain and gripped his blanket. He grabbed my hand.
He put down the cotton swab and grabbed a bandaid. He went close to the cut and lightly placed his lips on it. He backed away seconds later "to make the pain go away faster." He said while putting a bandaid on "my mom always used to do that to me when I got a cut or a bruise." He smiled to himself
"Where is your family?" I questioned "the house is quiet and it's 11pm."
"My dad is dead and my mom works a lot." He looked down "she's barely ever home."
"I'm sorry." I muttered "I didn't know."
"It's fine. I'm used to it." He shook his head and stood up "we should get you home."
I looked down and sighed. I didn't want to leave him alone. Who knows how long he's home alone for. "No it's fine. I want to stay."
He looked at me and smiled "are you sure?"
"Yes." I grabbed his hand and pulled him back onto the bed.
He looked at me "so," He started "do you watch 13 reasons why?"
"Oh my god....Yes." I smiled
He grinned and grabbed his Xbox controller. "Hm, I also got legos if you're interested." He chuckled
"Oh yes please." I grinned
We laughed and he got up and grabbed a whole box filled with legos. He dumped them onto the bed. He turned on his fairy lights and played 13RW.
For the rest on the night, we played with legos, watched 13 Reasons Why and ate gummy bears.

A/N: who else is addicted to 13 reasons why?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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