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Denis's POV

It's been 2 weeks since me and Ben last spoke. He's like avoiding me. I groaned as I hit my locker.

"What's up buttercup?" I heard a British voice behind me

I quickly turned around. Ben was leaning on the locker across from mine, sucking on an apple

"Where have you been?!" I Hissed "It's been 2 freaking weeks."


"So?!" I snapped

"Just because I kissed you doesn't mean I like you, Denis." My heart just broke "bye, Stoff." He walked away

I Sighed

"Fuck boy." I heard another voice

I turned around and saw a guy. I never seen him around here before "W-What?" I questioned

"You can just tell he is."

"Uhh, who are you?"

"Oh sorry. I'm Ronnie. Ronnie Radke."

"I'm Denis. Denis Stoff."

"Nice to meet you, Denis."


"Do you like Ben?"

I scoffed "No."

"Your face is red, Mate."

I looked down.

"You shouldn't like that kid."

"I didn't say I did." I scowled

"Well, if you do, he's a fuck boy."

"You know this how?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." he smirked "See ya later, Stoff." He walked away "Sit with me at lunch!" He called out

I stood there, feeling weird. What just happened?


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