Chapter 27

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The picture above is who I imagine as Suzette Carrier.....


When I hear her voice ringing through my ears my instant feeling is that I want to slap her. But Lark holds on tight to my hand. I watch him as his expression goes dark and he jerks me behind him.

"You aren't going anywhere." Chasity repeats, a giggle escaping her lips. "You are all right where I want you."

Lark tenses, and I close my eyes.

I knew this would happen I just didn't know so soon. Was Chasity going to kill me right now? How would she do it? Would it hurt?

Someone shakes me and I instantly rip open my eyes. Lark's eyes are wild and searching my face for something. I arch an eyebrow in question.

"We are going to run, got it? Be ready." He whispers harshly.

Chasity turns her eyes to Faith, who is standing tall next to Tyson.

"Hello sister. Who would've thought that you would be here. You look the exact same as I saw you last, when you were at the Starbucks stalking me. And stalking when I was on a date, now that's just not nice and kinda creepy." Chasity says.

I assume she was talking about the time that she and Lark went on their date and they saw Faith.

But when I glance back at Faith she didn't look scared or angry. She had a calm expression on her stone face. Her hand is wound in Tyson's, probably keeping him from attacking Chasity since his face was so red.

Tyson reminded me of Lark. Lark now was trying to protect me and I knew Lark wouldn't refrain from punching Chasity in the face. And Tyson's expression holds the same thing. He wouldn't let Chasity do anything to Faith.

"I wasn't stalking you. I knew you were out of control ever since our father died and you killed your best friend. I had to make sure you didn't kill anyone else. I just don't know how you managed to get out of the Facility that mom and I sent you too." Faith says her blue eyes dark and staring at her sister to see if she would snap.

Chasity snarls. "I didn't kill Jamie, I would never hurt my best friend. And I'm more smart than you think little sis. I have some friends that helped me out. I needed to be here, something was pulling me. I knew as soon as I saw Suzette that she needed to be exterminated. She had this dark aura around her, and don't tell me you haven't noticed it as well. She will kill us all, she could bring them back." Tears stream down her cheeks as she stares at me.

"Them?" I pipe. "Who is them?"

Lark narrows his eyes at me, he seems angry at me for drawing Chasity's attention towards me.

But she looks at me and that turns into a glare. She looks me up and down, inspecting me until she meets my eyes. "They are group of skilled assassins with an army that almost killed our entire population and guess who led those killers." Her lips transform into a nasty smirk.

Faith surges forward, trying to reach her sister but Chasity flickers away from where she was standing and into a new spot. "Stop talking. They won't be coming back Chasity. Suzette can't cause us any harm. She's just a human girl. She doesn't have any special powers like us. You don't need to kill her."

"Tell me." I say. "I want to know who led the assassins and I want to know how you ended up here."

"Shut up." Lark snaps, directing it towards me. "Stop talking to her!"

I flinch, ripping my hand out of his. A hurt expression crosses his face but I don't care. He was hurting me, and he had never snapped at me like that.

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