Chapter 22

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Prom King and Prom Queen is just a facade. Honestly the whole prom is a facade. It just lets people put on their fake faces and talk to their fake friends. Everything fake. Everything is a facade.

I saw Suzette's face shatter when Chasity was announced prom queen and not her. Chasity rushed up the steps and jumped into my arms. Well I didn't really catch her but still her arms were all over me.

Chasity took me out onto the dance floor and we start to dance. The bright lights are now dimmed and another slow song comes on.

"Isn't this great." Chasity says.

"Yeah it is. I actually have a birthday present for you." I say.

Chasity frowns and then says "I don't like presents."

"Well I got you one so you better be grateful."

She laughs and then kisses my cheek. Her lips are at my ear and she whispers "I have a present for you too."

I shiver and try to back away because I don't want her present. I swallow loudly. Chasity takes my silence as surprise or excitement which I am neither. I really just want to get out of here, maybe have that present with someone named Suzette Carrier.

Lela comes up to us and says "Chasity come with me!"

Chasity looks at me and it's like she's asking permission.

"You go ahead." I say.

She smiles and then runs off with Lela.

I honestly didn't know Lela that much but I was grateful towards her for taking away Chasity. It's not like I absolutely hate Chasity it's just she doesn't know how to be a good friend. She and Suzette were great friends until I came along. I guess really it's all my fault and I am going to apologize to both of them. But mostly Chasity because I think she truly likes me and I don't want to hurt her feelings. Suzette was there first and she would always come first.

My phone starts ringing in my pocket. I look at it and Faith Fellows number is flashing across the screen.

"Hello." I say as I answer the phone.

"Lark." Faith's voice says.


"We are outside of the school. I was wondering if you could come out first and then bring Chasity out later." Faith asks?

"Yeah sure."

"Okay thanks see ya soon." She hangs up.

I look around first to make sure Chasity and her hawk eyes aren't looking for me. Once I'm not within her sight I make my way outside. I go to the side of the school and then I'm pushed against the brick wall.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yell feeling the anger brim over.

I recognize the glowing emerald eyes of Tyson. This dude seriously has some anger issues. He can't go one minute with choking someone.

"Dude get off me." I spat at him and he instantly releases me when he hears a soft voice say "Stop Tyson."

I move my hands across my neck where Tyson's arm was. I cough and then look up at them. Tyson doesn't even look sorry.

"We will be leaving soon. All I need you to do is get Chasity to come with you and then we are good." Faith says.

"Alright what time do I need to be there?" I ask?

"Leave in an hour. I want my big sister to enjoy her prom." Faith smiles.

I'm about to leave when Tyson says "Hey what about that other girl."

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