Chapter 13

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My mother drove me too school. Which is strange and I don't know why all of a sudden she wants to get closer to me. It's not like she cared before. I liked the way my life was before my mom came back. I liked surviving on my own. I liked having Lark come over every night and sleep with me.
I sat in my math class with Lark, and Chasity. Lark and Porter were deep in conversation. Chasity for some reason wasn't talking to me. I hope Lark didn't tell her about the kiss. If he did I would be so mad. Just then the bell rings for class to start.
Mr. Carter has a distressed look on his face. He looks at Chasity, Kendall, and then me. I feel my heart start to beat faster. What if he knows about the texts and how some person keeps messing with me? Finally he opens his mouth and says "Chasity change places with Kendall."
Chasity looks at me and then I see pity flash in her eyes. Kendall is Marin and Ava's best friend but she's never once treated me bad before. Chasity hugs her binder to her chest and she walks to the seat where Kendall sat, which is next to Rhett. Chasity sighs as she sits down and Rhett's eyes light up like a Christmas tree. Kendall smiles and sits next to me. I smile back but then turn my head away.
Mr.Carter begins his lecture and I'm left alone by myself, without Chasity. She didn't even seem sad to leave me here. Lark doesn't even look at me and I don't know why. Porter keeps looking back at me though or is he looking at Kendall. Kendall is his girlfriend after all. But Lark keeps his head glued to Mr.Carter. He doesn't even turn his head, which makes me boil with anger. I don't even know that I'm crying until look down at my paper and there is wet spots. I take a deep breath and put my head down. I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder. My head snaps up to see Kendall. Her hazel eyes look warmly into mine.
"Don't touch me." I whisper harshly to her.
She quickly pulls her hand away and mumbles "I'm sorry."
I turn my head back to the teacher and I realize that now Lark is staring at me. I shoot him a glare before I turn away. But before I looked away I saw a look of pure adoration. I don't know why a guy like Lark would look at me like that. I decide to ignore the feeling deep down inside me that has hope.
Finally the class ends and I rush out of the room before anyone else. I get to my locker and enter the combination.
"Suzette." Someone says.
I sigh and slowly turn. My eyes again meet Kendall's. She smiles and her hands are clasped together in front of her.
"What Kendall?" I snap.
She flinches and swallows, like she's nervous.
"I'm sorry about the way I treated you. It never felt right sitting back and letting Marin and Ava bully you. I'm really sorry." She says.
I stare at her, eyes wide. Did she really just apologize to me? I let out a bitter laugh and she looks at me with confusion flashing across her face.
"Are you really apologizing to me? Your the most popular girl in school and your apologizing to me, the loser." I say.
"Yes." She says with a serious tone in her voice.
I look at her and I realize that I'm taller than her. Kendall is petite and she comes up to my nose. I don't know what to say. Do I forgive her for making fun of me all those years or do I be the better person? I decide to be the better person. Even though I don't want to be.
"I-I-I uh. It's okay." I say.
Her smile grows even wider.
"Thanks Suzette and well also do you want to sit with me at lunch or I could sit with you." She says.
"I don't really want to sit with your friends. Thanks though." I say.
She nods and says "Okay well see you around."
She walks away. I lean against my locker and then Lark comes and leans against it with me.
"What was that all about?" He asks?
My anger boils over and my face burns hot. I stand up straight and slam my locker closed. I look at him and then say "Like you care!"
Then I walk away, leaving him standing in shock. I'm so mad at him for thinking he can just ignore me one second and then he talks to me like nothing's wrong. I'm not going to let him walk all over me.
My phone suddenly chimes in my pocket. I slide my finger across the screen and a text pops up.
Unknown: Got your dress ready for tomorrow.
I let out a frustrated scream. I don't care that everyone is watching me. Lark's friend Jake is standing by his locker and he looks at me. He finally says "Are you okay? Did you break a nail?"
His friends burst out laughing even though I don't find that funny.
"Screw you." I say and flip him off.
Everyone is still staring at me. I really just want to go home but I don't want my mom to be there. I glare at everyone and run to the safety of the bathroom stall, where I can let out all my sobs.

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