Chapter 15

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I finally got home and everything was so messed up. Lark and I were even more in love than ever. I was afraid that if we were together then the person who was messing with us would hurt us. Or worse Chasity would find out. I couldn't risk losing her friendship. She was the only friend I had besides Lark and I needed her. She'd been ignoring me all day.
As soon as I walked in the door I knew my mother wouldn't be there. Her coat was gone off the rack and her car was gone. I don't know why I ever thought that this would be different from the last time. Tomorrow all Seniors were off from school for prom. It was pretty great but I don't know how long I could go without seeing Lark. I went up the stairs to my room and there was a note taped to my bed post.

I'm sorry I had to leave Suzette. We both know things wouldn't have worked out if I stayed there. I love you.
Love, Mom

I rip up the paper and throw it on the ground. I feel the tears threaten my eyes but I won't let them come. She's right, things wouldn't have worked out with her here because she doesn't know how to take care of me. She never even tried to take care of me. I let out a frustrated groan and sit on my bed. She told me she would help me get ready for prom tomorrow and now she's gone. I pick up my phone and dial Lark's moms number. She picks up on the second ring.
"Suzette?" Her soft voice asks?
"Um I'm sorry to ask you this but do you mind helping me get ready for prom tomorrow night?" I ask her.
She gasps and says "Of course Suzette. I'll be over at 1:30 tomorrow. I love you sweetie."
"Love you too." I say.
She hangs up.
I pull my knees up to my chest and my arms wrap around them. Carol Woods is the nicest person ever. Lark is so lucky he has her. Carol is the best mother ever. I wish she was mine. The doorbell rings from downstairs and I jump up. I race down the stairs. I see the caramel hair of Chasity. I open the door and her blue eyes are wide with terror. She holds up her phone to my face and there is a text she's showing me. It says:
Unknown: It's your turn to suffer.
I look up at her and her eyes are glazed with tears. My mouth is hanging open. I don't know what to say.
"This is all your fault." She snaps.
"No. This is your fault. I've been getting texts like these for the past few days." She says.
"Chasity I-"
"No don't talk. I just want you to make it stop. I want you to leave me alone and never talk to me again."
"Chasity I'm sorry. The same thing is happening to me. I don't know what's happening to me either."
"The whole reason this is happening to me is because I've been friends with you."
"No that's not why-"
"I'm going to prom with Lark and I want you to stay away from us. You're not riding with us. I can tell that you love him but he's mine. I mean who's he going to prom with. Not you." She says.
I blink back tears.
She turns and walks away. Her hair moves from side to side in her ponytail. I see her walk down the street and she stops at Lark's house. She turns back and waves at me.
I slam the door shut and scream. I should never have told Lark to go to prom with her. I lock the door and walk to the kitchen. I grab a water bottle and put it too my lips. As soon as the liquid touches my lips it burns and I spit it out instantly. I put my hand to my throat and I feel myself collapse on the floor. I gag and try to scream. The liquid has a chemical smell. I bring my fingers up to my mouth and the skin feels uneven. I stand up and walk to the bathroom. My lips are scabbed a little and the inside of my mouth is the same. My hands shake as I touch them again. I grab a Chapstick and apply it to my lips.
My feet make their way back to my room and I put on my pajamas. I walk through the house making sure that all the doors and windows are locked. Lark's face crosses my mind. His beautiful eyes and how they sparkle when he laughs. How he tries to protect me from everything. How I'm like his damsel in distress. And that's okay with me. I like that he wants to protect me. I like that he wants to take care of me because all my life I needed someone to take care of me.
After locking the house up I go back up to my room. I switch off the lights and I climb into bed. I don't want to cry. I've cried too much and I don't think I have it left in me anymore.
But whoevers messing with me is a sick person. They put acid in my water bottle and they text me crazy things. My phone suddenly rings and I look to see Lark's smiling face and his name flashing on the screen. I press answer and bring the phone up to ear.
"Hey Suze." He says.
"Um hey."
"What are you doing?"
"I'm uh going to sleep."
"Suze come on it's only 5:00."
"Yeah well I'm tired and I need to go to sleep."
I hear in the background someone say "Lark who are you talking to?"
I gasp and I know it's Chasity.
"Goodbye Lark." I say.
"Wait Suze-."
I hang up the phone and put it on my bedside table. I turn it off so that I don't get any disturbing texts. I know that it's only 5:00 at night but I can't be in this world any longer. I need the world where I don't have to think about reality and I can dream. And finally I let my eyes close.

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