The More The Merrier

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Rose's POV

Being the weirdos we were, we moved from playing Minecraft, to Final Fantasy, and back again. We wasted a few hours in dungeons before moving back to Minecraft but we just couldn't think of what to do. "I'm BOREEEED!" Sera exclaimed. "So I'll turn on the TV. Let's take a break from the games for a while," I responded. Before I hit the power button on the remote, my sister Maxie came in yawning and stretching her arms. "Happy birthday," She said with a yawn. Then she noticed the others. "Oh hey," She said casually while stretching. My three friends gave their round of hellos and I finally got to turn on the TV.

Once I did, a breaking news report appeared on the screen. Everyone's heads turned towards the television in silence.

Breaking News

*The screen shows a random reporter lady outside the prison and a picture of the unmasked Slade Wilson in the top left corner.*

This just in... Late last night in the KCDCC, (Kansas City DC Center) Deathstroke was finally put back in prison. After a three day search, Kansas City citizens can finally rest easy once again. Guards say he had appeared last night AT the prison. Apparently he was attempting to break a fellow prisoner out. He is now thankfully back in his cell thanks to Tony Stark and Dr. Bruce Banner. This has been Reporter Lady from Wolf 6 news, back to you guys in the studio. (Clever reporter name right?)

End of Important Stuff

"Thank GOD he's back in jail again! It worries me when he escapes." Maxie says in relief. "Why? It's not like he ever kills anybody when he escapes." I question her. "Cole it doesn't MATTER that he hasn't killed anyone. What MATTERS, is that he's a CRIMINAL!" She replied getting slightly defensive. "Don't tell me you're taking his side are you?" She asked. "No of course not! All I'm saying is that I don't see what the big deal is when he hasn't harmed anyone!" I reply.

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