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I was there for you, 

I was there for you when you were sad and all alone.

I was there for you when you thought nobody else cared

I was there when you were crying and were scared

I wrapped my arms around you and told you it would be okay.

I stayed,

I comforted you

despite my own pain

I remained when all that was left was the stain of your disdain on the tissues I had offered you.

I was silent 

I respected your space

lending you a helping hand and offering you my embrace. 

My eyes are open, but they aren't really seeing.

My mind is somewhere else, with someone else, listening to something else no one but me can hear.

Now, you do not talk to me the way you used to before.

You yell and hit me with a force that hurts more than the hands that made me feel bruised, battered and sore.

And all those times I helped you,

despite my wounded stature,

 you didn't see the pain that fractured inside of little, old, forgotten... me.

Because you were so focused on you, that you forgot about me.

Meanwhile, you didn't know that I was hearing voices inside my head, 

urging me to go further and farther ahead.

Your road is rocky, but mine is too. 

My past, my present and my future are focused in a single object in my hands.  A container. The contents are gone, no pills remain there. 

In my jean pocket you'll find a note that says, "I'm sorry," three times over. Sorry to you, sorry to me and sorry to all the good people I didn't get the chance to meet.

"I have no life in me to comfort you and no heart left to offer. I am broken, and here is what's left of the pieces. There's nothing left to hit, nothing left to hurt, nothing left to break. There is nothing left to take, but there is something you can give... the same love and compassion I showed you, when you were full of hate."

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