Chapter 8

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I lie on my bed in the large room, hiding from the other soldiers and Autobots, leaving myself to think on everything that has been happening in the last few years. It is a lot, especially for someone as young as me. I mean, how many people do you know that has metal for skin and lived in a cell surrounded by giant, alien robots? That sure is a story to write.

Just a fable to everyone, though. Nothing anyone would believe.

The serums did have an actual purpose, however. To the Decepticons, it was a great plan, and it was going to be used for many reasons. All that would help them in the war, but not for the humans they wanted to test them on. But i'm the only test subject I know of. The entire time I was on the warship, I never saw another human unless they had something to do with the Autobots and they were being interrogated for information on the enemies.

The serum was designed to turn me into a total cybertronian. If I had stayed, one day I probably would have been one of them one day. A giant, metal being. But that wouldn't change that I was still human. I just wouldn't look like one is all.

Which was what I always told myself to try and comfort myself.

The tests, I learned, were going to take awhile. One, because the serums hadn't been fully finished, and two, it's a complicated process turning flesh into metal without killing the being you are testing it on. That's why I am still alive. But at least they were careful, and I am still alive. Able to save myself from them.

Though, I did escape, and now they can't torture me. Now I just need to watch my back from the Autobots, making sure they won't test on me either. Who knows with them. I doubt they are trustworthy at all with my life.

It's my job to care for myself, and that is what I am going to do. Even if it means killing the ones who harmed me in the first place.

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