Chapter 14

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The Autobots. The enemy of the Decepticons. The considered "good" side. But are they really?

Who are they underneath all that metal armor. Are they really as good as they act and say they are? Really the way Optimus Prime, the last living prime, describes them as? I don't know. 

I lived with the "evil" side for many years. I studied them, I trained beside them, I had to live with them.  They always talked about the Autobots, and how bad they were. But why, exactly? Their home planet was destroyed, and each side wants it back. If it was my home planet I would feel the same. I wouldn't want to be homeless -so far away from my home.

The Autobots want peace, and the Decepticons want dominion over everything and everyone. And after coming to Earth, Megatron decided he wanted to take over this planet, especially seeing as his home had no light in sight.

From what I saw yesterday with the Autobots, though, was that they loved and cared for each other. They never left one behind and always came when one called, no matter what it was. I discovered that just by being at their base for those few days. The military men did the same thing. And they all seemed happy.

However, the Decepticons are nothing like that. They don't care for one another, and they only care about them selves. Maybe a few of them, deep inside, are truly good, but you would never know because of how they act on the outside. 

Soundwave wasn't too bad. He made sure I had food the first few days I was there, and he would check on me occasionally. Doesn't change that he's still an enemy.

Maybe what I really need to do is watch the video Optimus sent to Earth when he first arrived. I know of this because the other side happened to get a hold of it.

They laughed.

But I guess that is because of Megatron's hatred towards Optimus. They were once friends, after all.

But to watch that said video, I would have to hack into the Autobot's computer main frame. I'm not a trained hacker, I'm not great at computers either. But one thing I do have is my brain. My part cybertronian brain. Just like any other cybertronian, I have a computer in my head, and it will be my key.


After sleeping for a night, and about 10 hours, I'm now finding the N.E.S.T  website, I search for the one key that might send me to their private messages and videos to the government. Which I'm already finding to be difficult.

Hours and hours upon searching, my eyes begin to burn at the blue light emitting from the computer screen. I blink away the burning sensation and continue on.

That's when I happen to pass by a tab that leads me towards a password coded page. It states, "To enter, please enter your password code."

I'm taking a guess that that password is only given to special personnel. I'm not one of those people, obviously, so I guess I'll have to find another way of getting in. Whatever that might be.

An Idea crosses my mind after thinking for a few minutes. 

Maybe I could hook up the computer to my brain. With the computer embedded in it, maybe, just maybe, it would be able to hack into this website. Computers are supposed to be quite intelligent, knowing all the answers to everything. So I guess it's time to check that theory.

After finding a cord that would have connected to a phone from the computer at a shop nearby, I shape the end of it to have a sharp tip. Connecting the end to the computer, I hold the rest of it in my hand, taking a deep breath as I stare at the sharp point.

Closing my eyes, I lift the sharp end behind my neck, taking another deep breath before stabbing it into the skin.

Gritting my teeth, I wait until something comes up on the computer screen, trying my hardest to ignore the blood that is clearly running down my back. The warm fluid dripping with every breath, crawling down my skin.

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