When all else fails

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"Draco." Draco's father sneered coldly.

"Yes father?" Draco asked im a sarcasticly cold voice. Draco was standing by his bed in his own priviate quarters.

Lucius walked around Draco's desk and stood in front of Draco. "What have I told you about Muddbloods." He spat and then slapped Draco.

Draco slightly dubbled over in pain but stood back up cluching his now red cheek. "Well father, I do believe I can make my own judgements. Dont you think?" Draco said leting go of his cherk and cocking his head of to the side and smirking while raising an eyebrow.

"Don't give me that crap!" Lucius once again slapped his son.This time he cut Draco's lip.

"Crap? It wasn't crap when you secretly dated that muggle?" Draco spat out angrily.

"That was different!" Lucius this time punched Draco who ended up on the floor from the blow.

"Oh, your right. At least my love intrest has magical abilites." Draco spat from his position on the floor proped up by his elbows.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" Lucius said every word with a blow to Draco's ribs.

"Father" Draco said loathingly "At least I didn't shag a muggle."

"Crucio!" Draco whithered in pain as the curse hit his body. Pain took over his body and left him in a rumpled pile.

Breathing heavily, attemting to to rid the ache, "I think it's time for for you to leave. You are a unwanted guest." Still on the ground he proped himself once again on his elbows.

"As you wish" Lucius said walking twords the door. With one more flick of his wand Draco momentairly whithered in pains as it shook his whole body. Leaving his son in a pile on the floor, Lucius walked out the door whispering to Draco "You better watch that girlfriend of yours before she ends up in something she doesn't belong in"


Hey guys sorry for taking FOREVER to update. I just got done with my first quarter as a highschool freshman. Just managed to have time to write. Thank you for all of you who have stayed with my book! Please comment, add, and/or fan!! I feel like people aren't really reading this book... comment your support! :) anyone have any ideas for the direction of this book? message me and I'll take your sugeestions under consideration and may even use them. :D Love you all!


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