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Draco put on some Glamour before he went to his classes. He didn't want people to see his already forming bruises from his father. He had missed his first two classes of the day due to his father. Today he had a double Potions class that he would be a few minutes late to. 'Great' He though as he paused by the door to the potions room. Draco knew Snape would be able to see though is Glamor. He was his God Father after all. He took a deep breath before pushing open the door, walking into the room like he owned the place and sitting down in the empty seat next to Hermione.

"Your ten minutes late, Draco." Snape said with his back to the class. "Detention tonight." 'Great another detention.' "Have Hermione show you what we are doing in class today." He said turning around and sitting at his desk thoroughly looking over Draco. 'Some thing's not right with him.' Snape thought shaking his head and looking down at his papers on his desk.

"Where were you this morning?" Hermione whispered quietly so any one who might be listening wouldn't hear her.

"I had an unsuspected guest show up this morning." Draco said getting his things out. "What are we doing?" He asked changing the subject

"Don't think I'm dropping this subject." Hermione warned him before continuing and telling Draco what potion they were to work on.

At the end of class Hermione was walking out of the room with Draco. "Draco don't forget about detention tonight." Snape said momentarily stopping Draco at the door.

"I wouldn't dream of missing it." Draco said with his words laced with sarcasm.

Draco and Hermione walked to lunch together and Hermione sat with Draco at the Slytherin table. They put food on their plates in silence before Hermione asked "Was it your father that showed up this morning?" She asked quietly and fearfully if she already knows the answer, which she did.

Draco turned to look at her pacing his hand into of hers which was on top of the table. "Yes,my father was the unsuspected guest this morning and the reason I missed our first class and was late to potions." Draco answered just as quietly like any louder sound from either of them could break the world.

"What did he do to you, Draco?" Hermione asked with un shed tears glazing her eyes.

"Surprisingly he just talked to me. told me how bad muggle borns are and lies." Draco lied to her. Hermione shook her head Not believing him a hundred percent but not wanting to push the subject any further than she already had.


"Draco, why is it you're always late to detentions you have with me?" Snape asked as Draco walked in to the potions classroom fifteen minutes late for his detention.

"Sorry sir, I'm not completely with everything today." Draco apologized to his godfather politely.

"Draco why do you have glamours up?" Snape asked getting straight to the point he wanted to get to.

Draco looked up at his godfather in surprise, he figured he hasn't noticed because he hadn't said anything about it earlier. Draco swallowed loudly before answering with "you know very well, sir, you are the one who brought the reason I'm using glamours upon me. no you did not physically bring the marks upon me but you are the reason the person who did even knew in the first place." Draco said coldly and silently while glareing at his godfather.

Snape sighed and sat heavily in his chair behind his desk motioning to Draco to take the one across from him in front of the desk. "Draco, It was for your own good. It was best your father knew soon rather than later." Snape said vaguely.

"Do you believe his thoughts on blood purity?" Draco asked quietly with a hint of anger.

"Draco, you know my position as a spy, you know I need to make it seem I do." Snape said slightly on edge.

"You know I wouldn't think you to think highly of blood purity. Since your love was muggle born and you yourself are a half-blood." Draco said venomously.

"Draco." Snape said warningly setting his glare on Draco.

Draco in return sneered at him and stood up and walked to the door. "And to think I thought I could trust you, Severus!" Draco hissed at his Godfather before opening the door and letting it slam heavily behind him.


Sorry for the wait guys! thanks for reading. please review and let me know what you thought! your opinions are greatly accepted. 'Till next time Kitties! <3 ~Samie-Kat~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2014 ⏰

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