Annafinallythinksshe'spregnantbutshehopesnotsoshewenttothestoreandbuyheroneuh-ohlet'ssee... Anna:(crying) Please say I'm not pregnant! Please!
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Anna:(crying) Oh!My!God! (Throws up) *AnnacallsKristoff* Anna:(sad) Hello?! Kristoff:(sigh) Anna are you okay? Anna:(crying) No! I'm Pregnant! Kristoff:(shocked) WHAT?! Anna:(sad) its you're baby and I'm gonna keep the baby. Kristoff:(sad) Anna are you sure that you want to be a teen mom cause I think you're not ready Anna:(sad) I don't know I loved you Kristoff I always did but you changed why?! Kristoff:(sad) I had overheard the people and they said if you have sex its a perfect relationship so I did it and I got addicted to it. Anna:(crying) Goodbye Kris