Chapter 6: Interrogation

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"Come on," Judy beckoned, tilting her head towards the door as she hopped off of her chair.

"Where are we going?" Nick asked, following her towards the door.

"To interrogate Mayor Lionheart," Judy answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

She jumped up in an attempt to reach the door handle, but her height wasn't really helping. Nick chuckled to himself and opened the door for her, earning a glare for Judy, but she walked out nonetheless, a pout on her face the whole time.

"You're such a baby, Carrots," he teased, shoving his paws into his pockets.

"Are you sure I'm the baby? Because right now, I'm the one babysitting you because you can't stay out of trouble for one day," Judy retorted. She tried to make it sound like she was joking, but her tone had other plans, making it come out more rude than intended.

Just as she was about to apologise, she heard Nick chuckled behind her, and she turned around whilst walking, so she was walking backwards.

"Touché, Carrots, touché," he smirked, walking off without Judy, leaving her behind.

Judy raised an eyebrow before jogging to catch up with the fox, looking up at him and his sly smirk.

"Strange fox."


Once the two arrived at City Hall, they were met with Assistant Mayor Bellwether, who was extremely happy to see Judy.

"Judy!" She squealed, hopping off of her desk chair behind the desk at reception and giving Judy a hug. "What can I do for you?"

Bellwether hadn't even acknowledged Nick, causing him to fold his arms across his chest and clear his throat. Judy looked over at him, as did Bellwether, and he smiled.

"Ma'am, this is my friend Nick," Judy introduced him, completely unaware that she had called him her friend. "He is helping me work the case with The Preds."

Bellwether smiled brightly at him, holding out her hoof for Nick to shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"As for you," Nick replied smartly, shaking her hoof gladly.

"So, what brings you all the way to City Hall?" The sheep asked, her smile still bright.

"Well, we were hoping to speak to Mayor Lionheart about this case; we believe he may know some valuable information," Judy explained and Bellwether nodded in understanding.

"Luckily, I think he's just finishing up in one of his meetings, I'll go check," she answered before rushing off.

"Huh, I didn't know I was your friend," Nick said smugly and Judy stared at him blankly.

"You're not."

"Then why did you introduce me as your friend?"

"Well, would you rather me introduce you to the Assistant Mayor of Zootopia as a criminal who got caught trying to rob a bank and got brought in for community service?" Judy snapped.

Nick pursed his lips and nodded slowly. "Good point."

"Judy!" Bellwether called from the mayor's office, and Judy and Nick turned their heads in unison to look over at the sheep.

She was beckoning the two over to her, and they shared an awkward glance before jogging over to her and into the office. The mayor was sitting behind his desk, and he actually looked happy for once. Probably because Bogo had actually assigned a good cop to such a serious case.

"Please, Officer Hopps; sit," he said, motioning to two chairs in the middle of the room.

The two took their seats and, again, Nick wasn't acknowledged. But he didn't mind so much as he was in the same room as the mayor of Zootopia.

"So, what did you want to ask me about?" He began once Bellwether had closed the door and was out of the room.

Judy and Nick shared another awkward glance before Judy gulped and turned back to the mayor.

"Sir..." She began. "We have reason to believe that you are a part of The Preds; your brother, Barry Lionheart, is a named member and we just need to know if you know anything."

She spoke so softly for something of utmost importance , creating an atmosphere that wasn't tense at all. It made Nick shiver even though there wasn't a draft.

Lionheart sighed. "I knew this would happen."

Nick and Judy looked at eachother again in confusion, then leaned forward in their seats towards the mayor.

"W-what do you mean?" Judy asked nervously, her brows creasing in worry.

"My brother has tried numerous times to get me to join The Preds but I'm not going to; I'm the mayor of Zootopia, why would I? But I do know some information about them," he answered.

"Would you mind telling us what you know?" Nick asked, surprisingly softly.

"Not at all," Lionheart beamed. "All I know is their hideout - I've been invited there countless times. It's quite big actually, but hidden in the shadows. Through the main alleyway on Main Street, there's a door on the left-hand side at the end. That will lead you to the hideout."

Judy scribbled down everything she had just heard with her carrot pen and clamped her notebook shut. "Thank you, Mayor Lionheart, this is some really great information."

"Of course; I hope you're able to crack the case, Officer Hopps and..."

He paused when he looked at Nick, unable of what to call him.

"Oh! This is my associate, Nick Wilde," Judy announced proudly, and the mayor's expression softened.

"Thank you Mr. Wilde," Mayor Lionheart nodded and shook Nick's paw before shaking Judy's.

The two then left the office with big smiles plastered on their faces.

"Come on, we gotta get to that hideout!" Judy exclaimed, starting to run towards the exit, but Nick grabbed her by the back of her shirt before she got anywhere.

"Hey, what the-?" she started, but Nick cut her off.

"It's late, Carrots. We should be focusing on getting back to the ZPD and calling it a night," he suggested, letting go of Judy - who huffed while straightening out her uniform.


"We can go to the hideout tomorrow," he finalised sternly.

Judy scrunched her nose up in disapproval but soon sighed in defeat.

"Fine," she drawled.

"That's a good bunny!" Nick patronised her in a goofy voice. "Come on, let's go."

And with that, the two left City Hall, getting into Judy's car before driving back to the ZPD.


Ok, I PROMISE shit gets interesting now 😂

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