Chapter 11: Rescue

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The floor was so cold, but not as cold as the blood Judy was laying in. She was surrounded by it, pools and pools of her own blood. It was sticking to her police uniform in dry clumps and some of it was even sticking to the fur underneath her clothes.

Judy's mouth was still gagged and her paws were still tied up behind her back, her ears laying flat against the floor. In fact, the only sign of life in Judy was the slow rising and falling of her chest. She had given up on screaming or crying or trying to call for help, as all that did was reward her with cuts and bruises.

The door creaked open behind her, and Judy held her breath in fear of being hurt. She was tired and in pain from her torture sentence last night and into the morning, and all she wanted was Nick.


Did he know about her being kidnapped? Was he coming to rescue her? Judy almost laughed at that last question. Of course Nick wasn't coming to rescue her. Heck! He probably wasn't even going to turn up at the ZPD today let alone actually look for Judy.

Footsteps approaching her made Judy snap out of her thoughts, and gasp when she felt hot breath on her ear.

"Where's your little boyfriend now?" Harry asked quietly and menacingly as he stood up to walk around Judy so he was in front of her, circling her like a predator would circle its prey before killing it. Judy was pretty much stuck in that situation right now.

"Gosh, you bunnies really are dumb," he laughed, shaking his head. "Did you really think you'd be able to stop six criminal masterminds on your own?" He asked, tilting the knife in his paw a little so that the light from outside reflected against it and into Judy's eyes, causing her to whimper in pain as she closed them.

Suddenly, Harry grabbed Judy by her ears and yanked her up off the floor, her body limp and weak from all the pain she had endured in the last few hours. She screamed in pain through the gag in her mouth, biting down on the filthy cloth to taste her own blood.

Harry held the knife in his paw up, waving it teasingly in front of Judy's face while he howled with hysterical laughter. How could he find this funny? Judy opened one eye slightly, her vision blurred with tears as they streamed down her face. She tried to pull her head from the knife, but it was pretty hard when Harry was holding her by the ears.

His laughter dying down to a faint, evil chuckle, Harry pressed the blade of the knife against Judy's neck and she shivered against the cold metal, closing her eyes and expecting the worse to happen.

Harry chuckled. "Bye bye, bunny."

Judy took one last inhale of breath, her heart pounding so much it could literally break out of her chest, and just as she was about to breath out, the door burst open.

Suddenly the weight of the knife against her neck was taken away, but Judy didn't dare to open her eyes in case Harry was planning to stab her in them to surprise her. But, standing in the doorway was Nick, dressed in a fake police uniform and holding a fake gun in his paws, which Harry sincerely believed was real.

"ZPD, put your paws in the air!" Nick yelled and Judy almost couldn't believe her ears.

She opened her eyes just to make sure her ears weren't deceiving her and, sure enough, Nick was standing there, fake badge and all. She had never been so relieved to see him in her whole life, and that goes without saying, and she was so happy she wanted to cry. But she already was crying, so there was no need to pretend.

"Who the hell are you?" Harry asked in bewilderment, looking up at Nick with confused eyes.

"Officer Nicholas Wilde, ZPD. Put the bunny down or I will shoot," Nick answered sternly, his gaze focused on Harry.

He tried not to look at Judy just in case it started looking suspicious. But his rage almost made it seem like a real police break in. Nick was dead serious about getting Judy back that he somehow managed to fit quite nicely into the role of the serious police officer.

Harry scoffed, but soon obeyed Nick once he placed one finger on the trigger, his gaze never wavering. He dropped Judy and the knife onto the floor and Judy cried out in pain once her body hit the floor. Nick internally cringed at the sound of her frail little body slapping onto the floor in her own blood, but he kept his eyes on Harry the whole time.

"Cuff him, Finnick," Nick ordered, and a fully grown fennec fox, which isn't that big at all, walked in, also wearing a fake police uniform with a pair of handcuffs in his paws.

Harry scoffed, letting out a high pitched laugh of disbelief. "Who's this?"

"Yo worst nightmare," Finnick replied, his deep voice sending Harry into a blank state as he cuffed the wolf and dragged him outside to where the real ZPD officers were.

Nick waited until Finnick and Harry were completely out of earshot before dropping his fake gun on the floor and running over to Judy, ignoring the wet feeling of her blood on his hind paws.

He knelt down in front of Judy and pulled the gag out of her mouth, caressing her cheek lightly with the back of his paw as he did so. He gave her a light smile and kissed her on the forehead delicately as he untied it from around her neck.

"It's ok," he whispered gently against her forehead, and Judy let out a dry sob, just feeling happy that it was all over. "I'm here now."

After getting the gag off of Judy, Nick untied her arms from behind her back and if she wasn't so darn weal at that moment, Judy would've thrown her arms around his neck and cried like there was no tomorrow. But her throat hurt like hell and she could barely lift her head up let alone lift her arms up.

Nick carefully picked Judy up off of the floor, cradling her like a baby as he began carrying her out through the front entrance. He ignored the blood soaking through the fabric of his navy blue shirt and focused on getting Judy out to the officers and the ambulance that was waiting for them.

On his way out, Nick noticed the other members of The Preds being cuffed by the real ZPD officers and being thrown into police cars and he couldn't help but feel proud. After all, he did just rescue Judy and inform the cops at the ZPD of The Preds' and Judy's whereabouts, but he couldn't possibly take credit for it.

And with that, Nick looked down at Judy, who barely managed to open her eyes to look back at him, and he smiled.

"I'm proud of you, Judy."


I actually started crying at the part where Nick took the gag out of Judy's mouth and stroked her cheek and kissed her forehead. I swear, the plan for this chapter was the longest plan throughout the book and this wasn't even the longest chapter. 😂

I swear, this was the plan

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I swear, this was the plan. I'm so pissed 😂. I mean, the plan probably has more words than the actual chapter does!

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