Chapter 12: Recovery

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About a month after Judy got kidnapped by The Preds, she was slowly starting to return back to her normal optimistic, bubbly self. And Nick stayed by her side throughout. Although most of her cuts were clearing up, Judy was still in hospital so her more severe wounds could heal properly, and neither her nor Nick minded that. It gave them a chance to sort things out between them.

"So, how did you pull it off?" Judy suddenly asked, looking over at Nick. "The rescue mission?"

"Easy," Nick started, smiling at Judy. "When Clawhauser told me that you were kidnapped, I asked him if you'd been confirmed dead and he said no. So I assumed you were still at the hideout and told Chief Bogo."

Judy nodded, trying to take it all in. "Wow. And did Bogo give you and Finnick uniforms?"

Finnick had come to visit Judy quite a few times, bringing along carrots and blueberries on some occasions. He even brought a carrot cake one time just because he was bored. And every time he came to visit, Judy thanked him for the gifts and for helping Nick save her. They'd actually become pretty good friends through it all.

"Uh, actually no," Nick answered, glancing up at the ceiling. "I went to that costume shop across the road from the ZPD and got it from there. I was actually considering buying a Robin Hood costume too."

Judy raised an eyebrow at Nick and laughed sarcastically. "Haha, very funny."

"But seriously though, I was not gonna wear hand-me-downs from Chief Buffalo-butt," he added on and Judy laughed a little until they were encased in silence again.

It was a little awkward between the two of them as neither of them had brought up the argument they had had a month ago, but they were still thinking about it. Judy wanted to apologise to Nick so badly, but she didn't know how. It wasn't just as easy as walking up to somebody and saying "I'm sorry" in hopes of making it all better.

Both animals had said some pretty harsh things to eachother, and both animals were afraid that the other had forgotten about it, therefore making them remember and risking everything being even more awkward between them.

Nick cleared his throat, desperate to break the unbearable silence.

"So, it looks like your cuts and bruises are clearing up," he pointed out, cringing at how stupid it sounded. "But that p on your cheek will leave a scar, I think."

Judy looked up at Nick and smiled. "It's ok. It'll be a reminder that I survived The Preds, and a token of how we cracked that case."

"Yep, you sure are one tough bunny."


Silence again. That's how it was for the next hour. Visiting hours closed at six pm and it was five fifty at the moment. Nick was desperate to tell Judy why he didn't want her to go to The Preds' hideout alone, but he feared bringing up the argument would make Judy stressed, which she really didn't need.

But things were already at their highest peak for awkwardness - it literally couldn't get any worse. So Nick decided to go for it.

"We need to talk-" both Judy and Nick said at the same time, stopping themselves when they heard the other's voice.

"You first," they both said in unison, laughing a little before Nick spoke up.

"Please, you first."

Judy took a deep breath and gave Nick a small smile before speaking.

"It's pretty clear that we're avoiding this topic, but I really need to tell you that I'm sorry," she started. "I know I said some really horrible things to you and I didn't mean them, any of them. It's just that...I wouldn't be able to handle the guilt if more prey died because of me. I know that is so cowardly, but I-"

"Judy, stop," Nick ordered softly once he noticed the tears in her eyes. He gently moved his paw up to her cheek and wiped away the tears falling down them.

"It wasn't cowardly - nothing you do is cowardly. You survived a Preds' kidnapping for crying out loud! If anything, you're brave, and strong and amazing. I was just being selfish...I didn't want you to go to the hideout because..." He started, but couldn't finish. Nick had no idea how he would tell Judy that he was in love with her, even though it was pretty obvious.

"Because...?" Judy asked, looking up at Nick with big eyes.

"Because..." Nick sighed. "Because I was in love with you, Judy. I still am, of course! But I was madly in love with you and I was being selfish. It's just that you made me feel like I actually belonged in this world, whereas others would push me away because I'm a fox. You make me feel so good about myself and I guess I just wanted you to be mine..."

Judy stared at Nick in awe, his paw still caressing her cheek, and she moved her paw up to his, resting it on-top of his.

"It's ok, Nick," she whispered, the tears from her eyes gone. "As soon as you walked out of my office that night, I felt so much regret that it was crazy. I love you too, Nick, but my stupid pride wouldn't let me admit it."

Nick smirked. "Well, now that we know we're in love with eachother, you wanna try that kiss out again?"

Judy smiled. "I thought you would never ask."

They leaned in to kiss, and just as their lips brushed against one another's, the door opeend, revealing the nurse.

"Visiting hours are over now, Mr. Wilde," she said and the two of them immediately pulled back, hoping the nurse didn't see them almost about to kiss.

"Ok!" Nick replied, his voice coming out high-pitched. He cleared his throat. "Ok."

Judy giggled and watched as Nick got up to go.

"What? You're not gonna give me a goodbye kiss?" She asked, pretending to sound hurt.

"You should've told me it was nearing six, then I would've made my monologue shorter. So, no kiss for you," he winked and Judy pouted.

Nick looked at Judy's cute little pouting face and gave in.

"Fine. One forehead kiss," he rolled his eyes.

"Yay!" Judy exclaimed and closed her eyes, awaiting the kiss on her forehead.

Once she got it, she opened her eyes and smiled at Nick.

"See you tomorrow, Nick," she said.

"See you tomorrow, Carrots," he replied, grinning foolishly as he walked out of Judy's hospital room and down the hallway, thinking about how lucky he was to have someone like Judy be in love with him.


I'm actually really sad this story is coming to an end. I've just got the epilogue to go and then Six Months is done! Wow...

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