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emmas POV

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its been 2 days since I found out gemma is my half sister and things have been going okay apart from with scott. I dont know whats going on with him, he just seems to be blowing hot and cold with me, one minute were bother getting hot and heavy nearly doing the deed then he gets all angry alpha on me and the next thing I know he's got that skank arianna wrapped around him.

I really think im just wastimg my time with him. the way I feel at the moment I jist wanna go home & see my daddy.. I decided to ring him and see how he is..

"hello? emma is that you sweetie?" he sounded panicked, whats wrong with him?

"hey daddy, yeah its me whats got you so worked up?" he let out a big sigh "ermm nothing for you to worry about baby, where are you, are you safe? ive been trying to contact you for days!" he was lying I can tell.

"um im in canada daddy, dont go mad I just needed to get away"

gosh I hope hes not mad at me I hate dissapointing him "oh baby im so sorry I wasnt there for you I really am but we need to talk when you return home, tell me when your flight is and il send some guards to keep you safe."

"daddy im fine I dont need any guards, oh and if its about gemma being your daughter I already know she told me. I clicked on she was royalty when she was overpowering me." it was silent on the other line "no honey it isnt that but im glad you know. and I dont want to alarm you so il speak with you when your home safe."

"ermm daddy ive met my mate, hes the alpha of the redlight pack." I heared a chuckle from my dad "oh scott keywood? how is the stubborn little bugger I havent seen him or his dad jn nearly 10 years."

"um hes good dad; still bloody stubborn, im guna be coming home early so will be getting a flight within the next two days, I have to go dad cos its late now and im tired, but il ring you before my flight so you can meet me at the airport. love you daddy. stay safe." I can imagine him smiling on the other end

"okay pumpkin I love you, you know im proud of you dont you? you will make an amazing luna one day. stay safe naa'night."

I hung up and got tucked up in bed and waited for the darkness to consume me, which it did very quickly.


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I really hope my little girl vomes home soon I need ger safe with me. I dont doubt that scott wont keep her safe because hes her mate but I can only guarantee her safety here with me.. dylan webber is a very dangerous man and wants her dead or alive. god knows wuy wever never had a problem with him. I can remember when I first read the note 3 days ago. the day my world stood still


"ALPHA. ALPHA COME TO THE EAST OF THE BORDER QUICK THERES BEEN AN ATTACK!!" My beta pete shouted through our mind link. I just straight out of my office and ran into the woods while shifting into my very large silver wolf. I ran to the eastern border and seen my beta holding a woman who I recognised as my friend chris' mate lisa the closer I got the stronger the smell of blood and wolfsbane. as soon as I got close enough I knew she was dead for a start I couldnt hear her heart beat and she had a large cut from the left ear across her neck to her right ear. I was suprised hes head was still on it was so deep. I picked her uo and carried her to the pack doctors office so he could get her cleaned up, pronounce her death and get her ready for the funeral which will be in 2 days time. I was beyond livid, she had a 2 year old son she didnt deserve to die she was only in her early 30's. I will find out who did this and I will rip every one of them to bits.. as I layed her on the surgery table a letter fell from her hand. I carefully opened it and it read..

'now now alpha

I take it youve recieved my message. basically I want your daughter. dead or alive she will be mine. I will give you till the 14th day to find her and make her safe.. call it a little game. which means you have 10 days to get her safe and dobt forget I have the advantage here.. ob the 14th day she will be in an immense amount of pain. now I dont think you want to be hosting your prescious daughters funeral do you? ahahaha

I know her secret too you know. have you still not told her tut tut mr alpha she wont be happy when she finds out daddy dearest has been lying to her for years. shes a prescious little gem and before I dispose of her I will make good use of her and her power.

the 14th day alpha

good luck

let the games begin..









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