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I was watching top gear in the lounge with jake, liam and jaylee. about ten minutes into the program we heared a massive crash, the sound of bones breaking and a very hogh pitch scream followed by the sound of tearing flesh. we all shot upstairs and was shocked to say the least. scott was unconscious in the other room and arianna was literally ripped to shreds all over the room. there was a giant red wolf stood over her watching us.. it jumped straight out the window and ran off into the night, onve we knew it was safe jaylee ran over to scott to check for a pulse and I ran to emmas room but she wasnt there I looked everywhere. "was that red wolf emma?"

"no emmas wolf is silver like her dads."


emmas pov


what came over me? I cant go back there I killed someone. I was completely overpowered by rage and anger and I couldnt stop. I needed my dad.

"daddy I need your help!" I said in a rushed voice.

"baby where are you, are you in danger?"

"no dad I am the danger I need to come home noe, I need you to get me a flight." he was quiet for a few moments.

"right pumpkin I dont know whats going off but give me an hour and il have you a flight sorted, is there anywhere safe you can go I dont want you on your own."

"yeah dad I know somewhere. ring me when youve sorted it."

I hung up the phone and made my way to the white witches house I know her sister and shes told me I will need the white witch one day and told me where she lives. it took me about an hour to run there, I ran in wolf form because it was quicker. I shifted back when I got to the house, I knocked on the door and she answered. she is just as pretty as her sister with waist length white hair and white eyes.

"oh my gosh the process has started child, please come in out of this rain I bet your freezing." she ushered me in and threw a blanket over me l. she lead me to the kitchen area and made me a cup of hot chocolate and sat me down at the table with her next to me.

"when did the process start dear?" she said softly, what process does she keep going on about?

"im sorry maam but I dont know what your talking about." pity flooded her face "havent you noticed your eyes and hair?" I just gave her a 'what the fuq' look, and she stood and left the room & returned with a mirror in her hands but before she gave it me and said "now take your hait out of that bun" I did as she said and realised my hair was extremely long and RED? wtfq.. she gave me the mirror and my eyes were jet black and I dont just mean the part where the colour is, I mean the whole of my eyes including the white parts. I was actually frightened of my own reflection. I looked scary and mysterious but sexy and seductive at the same time.

"now then, let me get my book and il explain everything." she once again got up and left the room and I could hear bangs and crashes before she re-entered with a big very old book, it looked like hundreds of years old, she started flicking through the pages before stopping and passing me the book. "read it dear and il expkain after "

the book read..


written by the elders of 1746

The blood luna shall be born on the 3rd full moon of the new year, she will be betrayed. meet her mate & come into her true powers and abilities. she must protect mankind from attack. she will befriend a witch and be hunted, if she doesnt take the correct pathway she shall vause mass death and destruction, she shall then have to sacrifice someone close to her.

she will be able to seduce any man or woman by looking into their eyes, she will be feared by many. and has three mates which she will come across. each mate holds a different fate. one will bring love and happiness, the other will bring hurt and betrayal and the third will bring death upon many. whichever mate she chooses with create a bebe, if the wrong path is chosed she will die a long and painful death.


this is a song by a girl on the xfactor she wrote it her self and I fell in love with it when I heared it. I will be posting the link at the bottom pkease watch the video :)


I look for you in every bar

cos you are never off my mind

I close my eyes and I see your face

when im alone I long for your embrace

and ive tried to find you many times but you evade my eyes cos you are

you are, you are one of a kind

find the missing part

the part that completes my heart

and I dont know I dont know, know what I need all I know is your my missing jigsaw piece

I dont know where this will end,

maybe we will be just friends

but I knew in my heart, you will always stay.

1+1 is you and me, its always been that way, all I know is your my missing jigsaw piece.



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