Unbelievable (A Justice Crew Fanfic)

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Have you ever felt like you're invisible? Well, that's how I first felt when I walked through the doors of my new school in Australia.

My name is Laura and I'm 15. I was born and raised in Melbourne but moved away to Singapore for different reasons when I turned 4. After 11 years, I had finally returned to where I had spent 4 years of my childhood happy. I'm not saying life in Singapore wasn't good... It's just different.

*At Changi Airport, Singapore*

'Hey don't forget to message us on Facebook when you've landed alright?' my best friend Ketti hugged me and said.

'Now how could I forget, Mom?' I teased as I turned to give my other best friend, Li Xuan a hug as well.

Boy, was I gonna miss these two. They had been there for me whenever I needed help. We did almost everything together.

*Awhile later*

I sat down in the departure area and checked my phone for the last time. My team mates were sending tweets to wish me all the best in Australia and I even came across some like 'Don't forget to take pictures of hot Australian boys and introduce them to me in the future! ;)' Haha, desperate Singaporean girls.


Hey guys! Whatsup! So this is my very first book.... I hope you guys like it!(: Will update asap!

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