Chapter 1

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annnd we're back!
"We're in port at Calais, France. We're expected to stay here for the day or two, so keep your heads steady and vigilant while you're out there."

Louis watched up at Harry from his spot at the helm where the prince stood down on deck with the other men of the ship.

Harry spoke loudly and sternly, both Liam and Zayn at his sides as the young pirate captain gave his orders of dismissal to the crew.

Everyone around him voiced their approval and happiness at the decree given to them before all of them surely but slowly began to disperse from the decks to lower the ship's sails and drop anchor.

The brunet turned to go and do the same, his eyes casting over to where Niall was at the edge of the ship.

If he could be completely honest, it felt like he was officially one of the crew now.

It'd only been a day since their leave from London, and if Louis could say anything about it all, it'd be that the whole 'treasure hunting' aspect of the journey was probably something he was truly looking forward to.

Before he'd left the palace he had been sure to think over his escape plan. He'd simply told his mother he was going away for a couple of months, not adding much explanation to it. She didn't look too concerned about his words, perhaps passing it off as his usual nonsense speaking... but he was truthful in what he said anyhow.

He'd managed to disguise himself as a servant along with Harry and the two had somehow made their way out of London and to the docks where Louis had been welcomed back onboard with opened arms and smiles, especially after he informed them he'd be staying for a while.


Hearing Harry call to him made his teeth grit considerably as he stopped his steps forward and turned over his shoulder to view the male now beginning to descend the stairs to the deck.

"You're never going to give the nickname up, are you Harry?" Louis questioned with annoyance practically dripping from his tone.

The pirate captain's once thin and straight lips seemed to immediately quirk into a smirk from the moment he heard Louis's discontent, "No, I don't think I will, Princess." He insisted lightly, his hand reaching above his head to adjust his hat against a sudden breeze that nearly threatened to knock it crooked.

Louis rolled his eyes but before he could retort, Harry continued, "I hope you didn't have any plans set for yourself today because I fully intend to make this day nothing but the two of us."

"Oh? You do?" Louis rhetorically inquired earning himself a short nod from the taller male. To be frank, he hadn't had anything planned. When he heard they would be stopping in Calais for while, he'd thought he'd just spend the day with Harry or someone just looking around seeing as the only time he'd been in the town was to be carried away in a carriage to Paris.

"I'm pretty sure I can squeeze some time with you into my busy schedule Harry, no worries."

"Well, Your Highness, if I recall correctly not too long ago you promised me a date in France." The captain's arms folded over his chest and he gave Louis a look, "Are you implying you forgot when you were the one that asked me out rather than the other way around?"

His words made Louis pause for a moment, his mind attempting to recollect a memory of the promise ever happening and when his thoughts came up short, he gave Harry a similar expression to what he was being given, "I don't know what you're talking about... at any rate, I'm sure that even if I did promise you it, I was probably kidding."

Harry scowled, his steps moving him closer to Louis's front until their chests were both touching, "You're going to give me that date in France, you know." He lowly informed him as his lips moved toward Louis's ear. The feel of his breath on that part of his body evidently made Louis shiver slightly, but he kept his stance straight as Harry went on, "Doesn't have to be today or tomorrow or even this year, but one day I fully expect you to hold out on your word, kidding or not I took you rather seriously at the time, Princess. So I suggest you give in and give me what I want." Harry pulled back, his face deadly serious and eyes clearly void of emotion to go along with his flat voice.

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