Chapter 2: The Jaegers

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Shiganshina 1879

"Jaeger's House"

"In two day he entries will be chosen at random so get them in quickly. I wish all the women good luck and thank you...."

The Prince's words rang out in the room as Eren Jaeger sat on the old tattered couch next his younger cousin, Elyse. "Renny! I want to be the next princess and marry Prince Levi!"

Eren smiled at the young girl before reaching out and brushing her brown bangs out her face revealing those gorgeous olivine eyes he'd loved so much "Well Elyse you'd make a beautiful Princess but you're not quite of age, the requirement is 17....Maybe one day in the future you could!"

Elyse pouted and looked down. She thought for a moment before giggling and looking back up at Eren "Isn't Micky 17?! And, you are too Renny! You could be the princess!"

Eren smiled once more and bent down kissing her cheek Elyse, I'm a boy! The Price would like a women to love....Now that you say that, Mikasa could be the princess if it's what she really wanted!" he mumbled

Elyse hopped up from the couch and started to run toward the door but paused before she ran out "And Renny! It doesn't matter if our boy, girl or ever titan! Love is love!" With that she turned back and opened the door to the garden.

Shiganshina 1879

"The Garden"

"Micky!" Elyse yelled running through the garden "Mikasa where are you?!"

Mikasa sat under the old family oak tree, back leaned against it. She heard the calls of the young girl and looked up from the book she had in her hands. The book was old and weathered from the million times she had read it, to protect it she set it on the side of her. "What is is Elyse? Is Eren in trouble?" Mikasa asked worriedly.

Elyse shook her head and sat down on Mikasa's lap "No, he's fine....But Micky, how would you like to be a princess? Prince Levi said he needs a wife to become queen, wouldn't that be great?"

Mikasa sighed returning to her book "No I'm fine living here....I don't want to leave Eren alone...." She mumbled

Elyse sighed mocking her a little before she got up from her lap "Micky! You'd be a beautiful princess! Come on please?"

Mikasa groaned before finally giving in "Fine! Have Mama enter my name later....I'm busy right now!"

Shiganshina 1879

"The Kitchen"

"Auntie Karla!" Elyse had ran back into the kitchen excited for the big news she had to tell. She paused when she found Karla at the stove cooking "Hey Auntie Karla, whatcha makin?" She said as she pulled herself on to the counter

Karla looked up from the dough she had just kneaded and placed in the stove before turning to the cupboard. She pulled out a basket of fruits and set them on the counter to start dicing "A little dessert for after dinner, what did you need?"

Elyse giggled and plopped on of the fruit scraps into her mouth "Can Mikasa please be a princess? I know if you sent in an entry she could win! All you need is a birth certific-"

Karla sighed, cutting her off "Elyse....Do you really think Mikasa would want that, and to leave so sudden? It's all too much...." She murmured before putting the fruits in a bowl.

"Come on! I asked her and she said she didn't mind! All you need to do is sign her up! Elyse begged "And you must hurry up we only have 2 days to get them in! Please?"

Karla sighed once more and waved her away "Fine, go find her birth certificate and...." She paused reaching in the drawer beneath her "Put it in here, then have Eren run it to the messengers to deliver to the entry station...."

Elyse giggled and nodded before getting up and making her way to the office "Don't worry I can do it! I'll be right back!" With that the young girl got up and ran out the kitchen heading to the office

Shiganshina 1879

"Grisha's Office

Elyse stepped in the room quietly making sure nobody was there before she intruded

She walked over to the drawer that held all of the families information, including the birth certificate.

After opening it slightly she seen the tan paper slipped in between a few books. Elyse smiled as he pulled it out only viewing the golden stamping before slipping it in the envelope and sealing it tightly.

"Eren! I'm running this out for a second! Make sure nobody worries when I'm gone! I'll be back shortly...." Elyse yelled already halfway out the door. Off to ship the envelope that held a mystery for the upcoming future.

3 days later....

Shiganshina 1879

"The Royal BroadCast"

Levi Ackerman sat on the ottoman looking directly at the camera. In his hands he held a thick stack of papers. The final contestants. He waited for the camera men to give him the signal so he could start to read.

"1, 2, 3....Action!" One of them called out from behind the scenes

Levi nodded before looking down at the papers "I'd like to thank all the women for entering, we didn't review them, they were chosen at random but only 12 could win. Please stand by while I read out the results...."

He took the papers in his hand and shifted slightly before reading the final names aloud " Krista Lenz, Sasha Braus, Ymir, Annie Leonhardt, Zoe Hanji, Petra Ral, Cayley Murray, Miah Winters, Kathryn Barry, Aracely Baran, Gracelyn Isaac, and....Wait one moment"

Levi shifted a little re-organizing the papers "The final entry for The Pageant is...."

"Eren Jaeger....?"

____________________________________________________________________________________Hey guys!!! Im back with another part!! This story will have a schedule from now on and its just one update a week, every SUNDAY. Anyways what did you think? Was it good? I hope so, i really enjoyed writing it! What do you think is gonna happen next...the world may never know XD See you next SUNDAY!!!

I apologize in advance for grammar, what are you my teacher?

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