Author's Note

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Hey...It's me.

I'm sorry if you clicked on this and thought it was an update. However, it is important so keep reading, yeah? Thank you...

Well, I don't know how many of you read my small author blurbs at the end of stories but...If you do, then you know that sometimes writing stories is difficult for me because of how much life keeps hitting me in different ways...

Sometimes my parts are shorter due to how much school stresses me or sometimes the grammar is bad due to how shitty I feel that day. What I am saying is...I think I'm gonna stop writing. It's not like many read my junky stuff anyways.

Life just sucks and people keep on leaving me left and right and I was originally getting inspiration for this story from a relationship I had but...Since that relationship is long gone, I have no inspiration left. Like at all.

I am sorry for the people who actually like reading this story but...I just don't know how much more I can cope with life's struggles.

The only way out of this labyrinth of suffering is to forgive and I just haven't gotten around to forgiving anyone or, more importantly, myself...

For the time being, I would really appreciate if you left a sweet comment or something. I really need one at the moment.

Sorry for just whining but I didn't want people to blow up my messages when I didn't have a part up...

Hey...Peace yalls! 

Aberration Into Affection (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now