The Start Of Something New

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wazzup my pepz yes yes once again i Rayven update twice in one day i just had an idea and i didnt want to forget so yeah here u are you lovely ppl

Mark's pov

after Jacks told me everything i was really angry not with him but with myself for not realizing it sooner then maybe it would have turned out different i know what i have to do now i really want to mark this right. at that moment i had set out on a mission to make things right with Jacks. now for the first objective to break things off with my girlfriend it is kinda sooner that i expected but it will be fine.i ditched my Korean lesson  and headed off to my soon to be EX's house when i reached my destination i saw her sitting outside alone it was a good think because i dont think she would have wanted anyone else to hear our conversation 

Me: hey eun sung 

Eun sung: hey mark whats up

Me: you know how you said that we were going to break up soon

Her: ya why

Me:well can we make that now \

Her: ok but why

Me: the company said we could date anyone while training, i clearly lied

Her: well ok then have a nice life bye

Me: bye 

with that i got in my car and drove off when i got back to the dorm. when i got there unfortunately for me i met my Korean teacher and he looked mad without even a word he dragged me to the class room and drilled me all night when i got to my room it was 2 am and of course Jackson was asleep i just hope he accepts my apology but before i talk to him i have to figure out how to tell him that i like him too 

idk why but when ever i do a chapter with marks pov it ALWAYS ends up being short as freak anyway

Mmmmm kay bye bye 

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