I Can't

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you know what its soo funny how i was listening to BTS while writing this btw this song is called just one day go listen to it its awesome. wow look at me promoting a BTS song a Got7 book anyway lets get to this chapter's content

Mark POV

cant believe that he just didnt come in last night where was he i mean he did come in with BamBam this morning at practice. wait did he spend the night in his room well good for him now i dont have to see his face oh god why am i lying to myself im not over him yet i cant do it i cant do it its too hard why did i say all those rude things to him now he will never want to talk to me again *face palms* what do i do maybe Jr will know. i come out of my room and i see JB on the couch and i dont see Jr so i know he is in his room alone

Me: *knocks on door*

Jr: come in

Me: hey Jr can i talk to you about something

Jr: sure hyung what is it

Me: its about Jackson (Jr under his breath oh lord here we go again) so i just realized that no matter how had i try i cant get over him what should i do

Jr: since we have nothing else to do today how about we go for a walk

Me: ok sure

Jr: hey JB me and Mark are going out for a bit we will be back

JB: HEY!!!!!

Jr: ok ok hyung

JB: thank you, make sure you come back before dinner im getting take out

Jr: ok bye

Me: woah you can do that

Jr: yeah me and JB go way back before Got7 got started me and JB were doing this thing called theJJ project

Me: oh cool

Jr: so you want to talk Jackson now

ME:YEAH so my problem is i want to get over him but its really hard

Jr: hey look its Suga and Jungkook from BTS

Me:really, HEY TEAGI *waving at them*

Jungkook: hey i thought i told you not to call us that

Me:why its a cute name

Suga:i think so too


Jungkook:how would you feel if i started to call you guys MarkJin

Me: i wouldnt care one bit

Jungkook: you know what just forget it we have go anyway

Suga: bye Markimoo (what up double youtube reference)

Me:bye, so Jr what were you going to say

Jr: oh right iwas going to say that i could help you


Jr:follow me first


Me:wait Jr this a bathroom why here

Jr just trust me

Me ok

Jr now go in the stall


Me:wait why are you in here with me

Jr:ok now close your eyes and turn around

Me: how is this going to help me

Jr: shhh just trust me

after he said that he put a blind fold on me and iwas confused but i trust Jr so i didnt say any thing then out of nowhere his hand was in my pants and he was stroking my member at that point i couldnt
move or speak the only that could be heard was panting

Jr:see i told i could help

he stopped and i didnt want him too i was too into it for him to stop

Me:more~pant~i need~pant~more

Jr:i guess it work alright here we go

his hands reenter my pants and this this time his hand goes faster and faster until


then he pulls out his hand and pulls down my pants and i cum.after we cleaned up we stood by the bathroom and talked

Jr:there is something i forgot to do

Me: what (Jr kissed Mark)

i was in shock i didnt think he would do all of this to me after all of that the walk back to the dorm was quiet and all he did was hold my hand

i have no kinds of comments for the hope enjoyed
anyway until next time

Mmmmm Kay bye bye~

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