Chapter 4

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Jura P.O.V

I don't know why but when I saw Skylar laying on the ground looking helpless I started getting so angry. She had tears streaming down her face and I could see from on top of the stairs that she was bruised and there was blood coming from her head.

***before the incident***
I ran out of the kitchen seeing that everyone was watching me and ran up into my room. I was breathing really hard trying to calm down jewel but it wasn't working. I checked my phone and saw that I had several missed calls and text messages.

I read the first text that was from Dylan.

"Hey Ju boss wants us to go out and watch this guy his name is Mark Johnson apparently he owe us money". Was what the first text message read.

"Ju the boss is pissed that you didn't come in you need to get here NOW"!! Sighing I read all the other ones and was surprised that in one day all this could happen.

I had 4 missed calls two from Dylan and two from the boss. Sighing I decided I would check the ones that the boss sent.

"Ju you need to get your ass here NOW! I don't appreciate you not answering us! If you don't come in tonight your DEAD and I mean it"! He said with menace in his voice. The boss can be so overdramatic at times. I thought shaking my head.  I looked at the second one he sent and realized he sent that only 30 minutes ago.

"Ju you have 1 hour to get here and if not your dead". He said and hung up. Now I was getting worried because he made it short and simple. 

I went through them and deleted all of the text messages and calls and checked my time.

Shit it's 7:45! I thought. He sent that to me at 7:00 and I only have 15 minutes!! I thought. I hurriedly unzipped my bag and got dressed, I was looking for a way out when there was a knock.

"Who is it"! I screamed.

"You have to do your job so come out". I heard a deep voice say.

"What's my job?" I asked

"You have to go and pick up the back lawn with the rest of them". Sighing I stood up and grabbed some weapons and put it in my belt. I covered everything with my clothes and when I opened my door it was a guard.

"Come on brat". He said and grabbed my arm and started stomping down the hallway.

Once we got to a door he opened it and pushed me outside. Looking around I was outside but there was trash everywhere and the fence had big sharp knifes pointing from the top.

I looked around and noticed that there were guards all around us.

I have to creat a distraction so I can get out of here and fast. I ran over to some boy who had tattoos all over him.

"Hey I need you to do something for me". I whispered to him

"What do you need pretty lady". He asked

"I need you to make a distraction so I can get out of here".

"What kind of distraction". He asked me.

"Just anything um... Go fight that kid over there hurry"! I whispered yelled and he instantly went over and punched him in the face.

Then there started an all fist fight. I looked around to see all the guards attention on them so I hurriedly ran around the building and started to climb the fence.

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