Chapter 5

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Skylar P.O.V

I woke up and I was really sore for some reason. I tried sitting up and my head was pounding. Then all of a sudden I remembered the memories from last night. I looked over to see Jura not there.

"Finally your up I thought I would have to pour this water on you so you would wake up". I heard a voice and looking towards it I saw Jura coming out with a bucket in her hand.

"Why did you help me"? I asked confused. She just shrugged and pulled back my covers making a cold air come over me.

"I don't like him he is a jerk and he got what he deserved". She said shrugging. She grabbed a rag out of the bucket and started wiping the blood off of me.

"So why were you with him in the first place". She asked me just barely glancing at me.

"Why were you up so late"? I asked her trying to change the subject.

"I was about to go to bed when I heard a scream and I came out to check it out and I saw you all beat up and bloodied on the floor". She told me looking serious. I shivered at the memory and tried to shake it out of my head.

"So why were you with him in the first place"? She asked me.

Sighing I told her from the start about the kitchen duties to running into him and all the way until she got there and saw what happened. She had a disgusted look on her face and looked pissed.

"I swear when I see him-

"NO! Don't even try!! He won't hesitate to kill you"!! I yelled she looked taken back and then started laughing. What's so funny? I thought.

"He couldn't kill me even if he tried". She said and started to sober up a little.

"Anyways today is Friday so let's sneak out I wanna show you some people". She told me and looked excited. I frowned, how could she sneak out this place is locked down and guarded like a prison which it technically is.

"We can't" I told her and started to get up but my head started to pound. She frowned and pushed me back down.

"Ya we can and if you don't I will" she told me and started to get up. I grabbed her arm and a weird feeling went through my arm.

"Don't ever touch me". She growled at me and then ripped her arm from my grip. What's her problem? I thought.

"How could you even get passed the guards"? I asked.

"I have my tricks". She said and walked out. What the hell is she talking about?? I wondered.

A knocking on the door made me snap my head up and in walked Kyle. I instantly jumped into his arms and hugged the life out of him.

"Ok sky I can't breath". Kyle chuckled and I let go going over to my bed to sit down.

"Whoo what happened to your face"? Kyle asked and I glared at him.

"Sorry that was rude but seriously what happened"? He asked. Sighing I looked over at him and knew he was going to be mad.

"Your gonna want to sit down for this one". I told him and patted the seat next to me.

"Ok so before I start you have to be completely calm and not storm out ok"? I asked him and he nodded his head.

After making him promise me he wouldn't storm out I started telling him from the start.  When I finished he looked so mad I could see a vein on his forehead pop out.

"Now before you say or do anything stupid-

"Don't do anything stupid!? Are you kidding me right now Skylar! He hurt you! He pushed you down the stairs and the threw you down them and you don't want me to do anything"!!? He yelled

"When I see him I swear I will ri- before he could finish his sentence the door slammed open with a bang and standing there I saw a very very looking pissed Jura and it reminded me of last night.

"What's wrong"? I asked her. She looked and me and then turned around and punched the wall leaving a huge hole in it.

"You wanna know what's wrong"? She asked me breathing heavy.  I looked over at Kyle and even he looked slightly frightened.

"Um... I gulped not knowing what to say.

"Sure". I said wincing at how my voice sounded.  She looked crazy like she was about to rip someone's head off.

"Well if you wanna know look at my fu**ing back". She snarled.

I was confused so I walked over and lifted up her black shirt to see blood all over her back and whip marks. Gasping I dropped her shirt and she turned around her eyes a dark red.

"If I was you guys I would get out". She said her voice sounding menacing. I took a step back and she looked like she was fighting something.

"Let me help you". I told her and this time she took a step back.

"I don't want to hurt you". She growled and even though I knew she was a werewolf I didn't understand why she was acting like she was about to drink my blood.

"You won't hurt me but let me help you since you helped me last night". I told her softly knowing that she was on edge.

"Get out NOW"!!! She growled and I stumbled back by the authority in her voice. Me being my stubborn self didn't listen and instead walked up to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Who did this"? I asked slowly and I could see her eyes changing back slightly but then it disappeared and her eyes turned black.

"I said to leave me alone". She said her voice dark and then all I remembered is flying through the air and a pain flowing through my head.

Omg you guys I am so sorry for not updating but I am now!!! I have just been in a really weird funk lately ever since my grandpa passed but I think I can start writing now!!

Hope you understand and the updated will still be slow but there will be more updates for sure!! Hope you like it and please vote,comment, PM me!!

Love y'all!! Mwaaa

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