New Student?

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"Hey did you here about the new student Haruhi?" The twins Hikaru and Kaoru asked there favorite commoner, while leaning over her desk and pushing her book out of the way for a better view of her face.
"We're getting a new student?" She asked.
"Well yeah everyone has been talking about it," Kaoru said.
"How have you not noticed?" Hikaru finished.
"Guys you know I don't listen to gossip. And what does a new student have to do with me?" She asked furrowing her eyebrow in confusion.
"We heard he's a commoner and he's in our class." They both said.
"And......?" She said prompting them to tell her what the heck they were talking about. Hikaru was about to say something when the bell rang and the teacher walked through the door, right on time.

"Alright class in your seats, I would like to introduce our new student." She said. She had a tiny almost unnoticeable blush on her cheeks, but most people in the class caught it due to her pale complexion.
Hikaru and Kaoru leaned over Haruhi's desk from either side so they could whisper to each other. "Hey what do you think made Miss Cranky-pants blush?" Hikaru, who was on the left today, said.
"I don't know but it would have to be something really good, not even Tamaki can make her blush like that." Kaoru replied from the right side of her. At the mention of her over dramatic blonde senpai's nonsense Haruhi rolled her eyes.
"Guys just sit down." Haruhi whisper yelled while pushing them back down it there seats. She was fed up with them already and class had barely started!
"Haruhi! Your no fun." They both whined but ended up doing what she said anyway.

Miss Cranky-pants as Hikaru called her, cleared her throat.
"As some of you may have heard we are getting a new student today. Come on in and introduce yourself." She called out to the door.
A boy of average height walked through the door with a black fedora laying low on his head and shading his eyes. He was wearing a black leather jacket over a black t-shirt and denim jeans with chains on them. He had a black backpack over his shoulder and his hair just touched his lower neck in a layers cut.

The teacher blushed again and the twins made a face of realization, before then stretching into a familiar Cheshire cat grin that promised trouble. 'Oh no' thought the girl sitting in between them. She suddenly felt very bad for the boy at the front of the room that probably would want nothing to do with the troublesome twins.

The teacher cleared her throat before speaking. "Can you please introduce yourself to the class?" She said her voice less harsh and strict than usual with more of a pitcher note. Another blush appearing on her face.

The new student turned to face the class and looked up slightly, not to much so we could see his eyes, but enough so he could see us.
"Hello" his voice came out low in volume but very strong.
"My name is......."

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