Chapter: 2 The Others

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          It was, Fluttershy's cottage felt farther than it used to, but to Twilight and Applejack it didn't matter. The only thing that was slowing them down was their heavy hearts. The pain it brought to them was more dreadful, more agonizing, more tedious than anything. The closest thing Twilight had ever felt to this was when she almost lost her brother to Chrisalys, the queen of the changlings. To Applejack however, nothing, nothing near to this.

          Why, why is it like this? Why did it have to be this way? Twilight thought to herself.

          Applejack was consumed in her own thoughts as well. Twi' doesn't under stand what it's like to have her home ripped away from her, have her friends abandon her. She'll never understand that feeling. "Twi' applejack tried mustering all her courage but still gulped in nervousness, "Twi' I'm sorry that..... that.... that, well you know."

          "No I don't, you have no reason to apologize to me," now it was her turn to rant off. "Rarity, Rarity is the one you do need to apologize to! Do you even know why she left"

          "Twilight!" she was using Twilight's real name on purpose. "I shouldn't be the one apologizing it should be her. Yes! I do know why she left, she wanted to become a famous fashion designer more than a friend. She is the one who left! She abandoned my family! She abandoned ME!"

           "Pink!" Pinkie Pie shouted, trying to get a word in.

           As they ranted off to one another, or in pinke Pie's case say random words, Spike tried to get their attention. He tried jumping in front of them, waving his hand in their faces, everything he could think of, he had just given up when he farted. "Gross!" Twilight said.

            "Finally, can you guys stop fighting and get back on the road? The future of Equestria may depend on us again."

           Twilight seeing the sense in his statement declared, "He's right we need to hurry up," she glared at Applejack, "We've lost enough time as it is."

            "Yeah, lets go!" Pinkie Pie shouted trying to perk them up, but it didn't exactly work.

                                                            Fifteen Minutes Later....

            As Twilight lifted the door knocker, with her lavender magic, it began to creak. Before Twilight could use it the door opened just a shade. "Fluttershy? It's us, Apple and Twilight." She widened the door and had a shy smile on her face, which had been happening more often now, ever since the incident.

            "Hi," she paused realizing that the only time Twilight ha come around in the past year was in dyer times of need so she sighed.

            "Celestia needs us all immediately"

            "W..... w..... why?"

            "I don't know, she just said immediately."

            "D... d.... are....are you sure she wrote, a... a.. all of us?" she said with a glance towards Applejack.

            "Yes" she said this so sternly Fluttershy winced. Even though she thought herself more of a friend than of royalty, her personality had changed. Everyponies personality had changed in a sort of way.

             "Oh, okay." Fluttershy said hoping for it to be a simple party or something.

             Spike was getting tired of everything being all gushy, he wanted to see the love of his life, Rarity, "Guys, hurry I want to see Rarity! I mean we got only one pony left to go lets go get her I'm B-O-R-E-D bored!"

              "Okay spike, we'll teleport there now, just don't barf on me again, please."

              "That was your falt Twil......." but before he could continue Twilight had preformed the spell. That very moment they were on Rarity's porch. It wasn't exactly a porch though, they were actually in an apartment building on the seventh floor. Twilight knocked on the door using her hoof, and again and again and again and again, but just as she was about to do it again Rarity opened the door soaked to the shivering.

              "Fancy seeing you all here," she said in joy "It's been a while hasn't it?.

              Applejack of course was filled in hate and dirty thoughts She's happy, she likes seeing me wallow in pain, serves her right that she's soaked to every greedy bone in her body. "Sugarcube why yall wet and shivering?". She tried to keep herself from lying and dishonoring her element, and become like she thought Rarity was, or how all of them became during Discord's attempt to break them apart.

              "Simple plumbing problem," She was frightened that if her friends knew the truth they would think of her lowly and unworthy of their friendship like everypony in Manehatton did. "Let me guess Celestia wants us and we only need to get Rainbow Dash," she paused, "Right? I know I could be wrong."

              "Almost, Rainbow is already there, but pretty close. So Canterlot is where we'll be heading next."

              "Okay let's hitch the train."

              "Well, we could........" Twilight replied drawing out the word could, "Although I  can just teleport us out of here?"

               "You can do that?" Rarity asked with disbelief.

               "Sure, magic is more powerful as an alicorn than a unicorn." Rarity however thought that she was showing off.

                Rarity, get it together, it's not like you wouldn't show off your skills if you were a princess. Rarity once again felt the pin of guilt rush trough her body.

                 Twilight had picked up on what rarity was thinking and said, I'm sorry that didn't come out right," she felt the same way she did walking up the path to Fluttershy's cottage.

                 "It is okay, I guess I'm a bit out of it today, aren't I?"

                 This comment however left Applejack curious "What do you mean Sugarcube?" Rarity had answered nothing a bit to quickly to be nothing though.

                 "Shouldn't we be going now then?" Fluttershy said speaking up.

                 Applejack realizing this was true stated, "Well I reckon we will be soon, right Twi?"

                 "And right soon will be right now." after the spell was preformed a pony just walked out side of their apartment an dropped down dead. Cold hard dead.

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