Chapter: 5 Life Lines

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     The Princess of the night, the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, and a young dragon found themselves in a cave. Each in different place. Fluttershy wound up at the main back, Rarity and Applejack in a tunnel, Rainbow dash was on the top of the cave with Pinkie Pie a good distance away. The princess had been with Fluttershy due to the fact that they had contact as Twilight had cast the spell. Twilight and the dragon on her back in a room that was already preoccupied

     "T..Twilight." Spike said looking up at the massive Ursa Minor only a few hoof steps away from them. When Twilight didn't answer Spike looked down to see her sprawled on the ground. Spike attempted to get Twilight to wake up but it was no use. She had passed out over the magic surge and not having slept for two days was taking it's toll.


     Fluttershy was leaning over Luna' neck and fretfully applied pressure to the point where her wing met the spine. Luna's once elegant set of wings were now missing there was blood everywhere. Fluttershy had healed many creatures but none of which was a pony. Fluttershy heard a wisps of sound coming from all directions and in that split moment, she looked away and towards the many lights around her, in fear. When she turned her attention back to the alicorn her eyes retracted, and she jumped back multiple feet. But quickly scuttled back towards Luna.

     Luna's blood had pooled into a perfect circular shape even the blood on Fluttershy's hooves. Fluttershy had then saw Luna's skin heal with only small nubs left as remnants of her wings. The last two feathers of Luna's wings floated on the blood till they dissolved. A pale, light blue aura enveloped Luna's horn. It soon changed black for only moments till it became its normal shade of blue. With that Luna gave a shrill yelp of pain as her horn has removed by its own magic. With the last of her magic she crushed it into the pool of blood.

     "Fluttershy, thou has been kind whilst others have demolished my honor with their lies." She gave a harsh fit of coughing before continuing. "I know thou is scared." Luna gave a lighthearted smile. "Trust me when I say I'm making the right choice."

     "What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked, now panicking.

    "They did not have the knowledge to receive what I'm about to give you. They tried to kill me to retrieve it, yet it is the one who has tried to both heal and help me." Luna gave a hearty chuckle leading to another coughing fit. "The irony in that sentence."

     "What are you doing?" Fluttershy asked steadying her hesitate voice."Who did this?
Why did Celestia think you were dead, and why did she think it was us that kil... OW!" Fluttershy screamed, "what was that for?" Two feathers and a strand of hair had fallen out, unnaturally, and began dancing in the wind. The two feathers were tied by the strand of hair. As they to dissolved into the pool. The pool turned into a lightly transparent, peachy color.

     "Fluttershy," Luna wheezed, "they are going to be after you and Twilight, but they will attack your friends." She looked up at Fluttershy. With a light motion to the pool said, "Drink" With that she gave one last coughing fit and in her last breath, a determined, sad, yet hopeful expression on her face, said, "Please"


     On the top of the cave Pinke was sprinting towards Rainbow Dash. That was until she saw a rainbow pushing the cyan pegasus over, but her stop didn't last for more than five seconds. Pinkie started up her sprint again, her legs moving faster than physically possible. When she did reach Rainbow Dash, she stood there, alone with a sheepish grin on her face. Pinkie just stood there, head tilted left eyes expanding rapidly, except for on measly second when they retracted. Then, to Rainbow's surprise, Pinkie pounced on her, wrapping her fore legs around the athletic pegasus.

     "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!" She squealed. "If, you hadn't come I don't know where we'd all be be! But we're here and... Wait," Rainbow was doped when Pinkie Pie said, 'wait', Rainbow had never known her to be so serious and worried. "Where's here, and were are the others?"

     Rainbow gave a nervous gasp for breath. This wasn't what she'd signed up for. The tryouts for the Wonderbolts had gone just as she'd planned. She'd been practicing for years now, but she'd been pony-napped by the Princess and just kicked butt. Still though she had to talk to the pony she wasn't sure was Pinkie. "Pinkie, I know you're worried about our friends, but they're safe, they have to be safe." Rainbow looked to the south her eyes searching. "Lets go look for them." She finally said. "They can't be to far."

    Rainbow soared 27 feet down and waited for Pinkie Pie. Pinkie hovered one hoof over the drop and fell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2015 ⏰

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