Chapter: 3 continued- What the Hay?

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     One by one the guards filed off of Twilight, the purple alicorn stood up defiantly. Her eyes met her mentor, her first friend out side of family and as she drew her eyes towards this once wonderful and majestic pony now in searing pain tossed herself upon the floor before Celestia. "Celestia!" tears were forming in her eyes as the pupils expanded much farther than they should ever have. What's happened? Twilight's mind was filled with questions, "Why? Why Celestia?"

     Celestia for the first time in her life used the royal voice saying, "You know fully well what you have done!" Her head motioned towards the lifeless body of her sister, "Twilight Sparkle! I am no longer your teacher or friend, nor will I ever be! I gave you great power because I thought you deserved it! I thought I could trust you! But this, THIS, THIS is how you repay me!" Tears were now dripping down her flowing mane that now stood still slowly turning back to the original strawberry pink color it was but remaind it's original shape.

      "I don't know what you mean please, please tell me what I have done!" Celestia's heart was enraged fire was burning in her very eyes and her blue green magic gathering around her horn became dancing flames itself. Twilight looked up, Celestia's face had the very essence of insanity, sadness madness and heartbreak all woven in to one facial expression. Her eyes became more smaller and farther than Pinkie Pie's did on her last surprise birthday party. After noticing Celestia's magic that was about to be unleashed, she simply stood up ready to be fired upon, ready to die.



Hay, guys I need inspiration I have an idea but it is to predictable can I get some ideas?  Anypony?

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