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You open the green lacquered, metal studded, warped and flea bitten oak door to the left. You fall down a well… sorry, wrong door. You see the small figure of a man.

“Has it started?” he asks me.

“Yes,” I whisper.

As the small man looks up he has pointed ears.

“You noticed then?” says Sid to you, “a pointy eared elf. I used to hate elves until I met him.” Sid looks at me, “I do hope we’re not going to do the hugging and crying bit, it’s a bit embarrassing.”

“That was later on in the story, but if you don’t do something funny soon then I might make it happen now!”

“Er,” stalled Sid, “we could give him that bright glowing sword that fell from the ceiling earlier.” (Even though it’s supposed to fall from the ceiling now!)

So, Sid gave Alf the bright glowing electric sword, though I don’t think that’s funny at all.

“What, no introductions?” asked Alf.

“We know each other already,” explained Sid, “we’ve starred in the seven books of the Arth series as well as The Time Backwater anthology, Factory of Androids, flash fiction and Sid and Arthur’s Steampunk Adventure.”

“The Author hasn’t finished that one yet,” reminded Arthur.

“The way he writes he will probably finish that story before he finishes this one!”

“My name is Alfonso Felendre Galladrene, Prince of the Northern great wood elves, grandson of Peterni Bingalonga Galladrene the great elf, guardian of the shells of peace, defender of the faith, hope of the underdog, master of the lieu rolls and heir to the throne of the great Northern Alliance. But you can call me Alf for short,” said Alf the elf, trying to get back into character.

You find this encounter embarrassing so far.

Do you go back out to the passageway then throw yourself down the well, just to get a bit of action? (Go to page 4.)

(Turn to next page to continue with your available choices.)

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