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Now, you stand in the passage, the new one, well the same one really but a bit further down. There are two more doors, one to the left and one to the right.

“Very creative author,” … Sid as a piece of masonry falls from the ceiling and hits him on the head, “Ow!”

Anyway, while Sid rubs his sore head I’ll continue with the description. The doors are different, one is of iron, the other of steel.

“If the left one don’t get you the right one wheel,” sang Sid.

“Why did you sing wheel instead of will?” you asked.

“That’s so the Author does not have to pay royalties,” explained Arthur.

As Sid sang ‘wheel’ a wheel appeared on the steel door.

“What kind of wheel?” asked Alf

“One a bit like they would have on a submarine,” I explained.

Now, do you spin the wheel clockwise to open it and go in? (Go to page …)

Or do you try and go through the iron door and encounter the wild beastie within? (Go to page10)

(“Is there really a wild beastie within”? grinned Sid as he brandished his battle axe.)

(Continued on page 10.)

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