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“Shush Sid.” I then talked to you, “So roll 2 dice and add them together and create a character called you with each of those attributes.”

“Very creative,” said Sid, “You the barbarian. Can’t they choose their own name?”

“Of course they/you can Sid/reader. Add the Agi to the PS together to get your PHP, when something attacks you and hits you then take the damage caused from your PHP, when you get to 0 PHP you’re dead!”

“Ooer!” exclaimed you as you held your throat in mock fear.

“To hit something roll beneath your PS and Agi added together and divided by two.”

“He’s not making this easy is he,” burbled Sid.

“Once you’ve hit them then do 1d6+2 damage to them. If they reach 0PHP then they are dead. If you both fail to kill each other then each side gets another try to kill the other side.”

What about rounds, attacks per round, initiative, surprise, all that?” asked Alf who had been into role playing games before he got this gig.

“We won’t bother with that now, we’ll just get on with which result the reader got on the table above.”

If you have goblins go to page …

Orcs page…

Dark elves page…

Wolves go to … (Though why wolves would be in a dungeon on their own I don’t know.)

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