tom x reader

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You walked into the house after doing some grocery shopping.
After going into the kitchen to unpack everything, you found a note on the table.
Hey, Y/N!
Matt broke his mirror, so I need to take him to the general store to buy a new one- I also need to get a lot more Cola.
Tord might leave the house to pick up some new anime merchandise.
We might be gone for a while, sorry.
Take care of Tom!
Well that's pretty dandy. You, alone, with a shut-in that only really comes out for food and if there's a zombie apocalypse right outside your door.
Time to make yourself lunch.
After making a sandwich, you sat down and ate. You finished eating and put your dishes in the sink.
All of a sudden, there was a loud electric guitar noise that made you jolt.
You got a bit angry, so you went to his room and knocked on the door. You could hear him stop playing.
He opened the door.
"Yes, Y/N?" he lazily slurred out, the smell of alcohol on his breath.
"Have you been drinking again?" You angrily replied.
"....Yep." He smiled clumsily.
"Why would you drink so much before you played? Doesn't that make you more prone to becoming violent?" You pointed out. "Like, maybe you could hit a wrong note, get frustrated, and throw your instrument out the window, and-"
"Y/N, don't be so paranoid." He reminded you.
To a degree, he was correct- you often took things out of context. But you did live with four guys that constantly did stupid things together and got hurt as a result of it. It was a necessity for at least one of the people here to be prudent and conscientious.
"Besides," he smirked at you. "Everybody needs a little something." He popped open his alcohol flask and took a gulp of liquid.
"Will you ever stop drinking?" You sighed.
He paused.
"Nah." Flashing you that same grin only made you angrier. "You should really try being a little less uptight, Y/N. It'll do you wonders."
"I'm fine just how I am, thank you." You scoffed.
"Aw, are you scared?" He teased.
"I have to work tomorrow, Tom! Really, anytime but now!" You sighed.
"C'mon, Y/N! What better way to relieve your stress than this?"
You breathed.
"Alright. I'll schedule a time to do this next Friday at approximately 6PM to 9PM. You can decide where we want to go." You finished.
Tom's face became a little red. "Y-you mean, like a date?"
"Yes?" You replied.
"Y-yeah. I'll do that.." He closed the door without saying another word.
"Tom?" You knocked on the door.
"Tom....?" You kept on asking.

I can't believe Y/N just nonchalantly asked me out.
Do they like me? Doubt it. Do they want to hang out? Maybe.
Did they just schedule a time for us to do so? Yes.
I was breathing so hard that I could feel my head spinning.
I felt myself slowly sink into a deep sleep, ignoring everything besides the bloodrush to my cheeks.

Timeskip to Friday- Second Person POV

You finished packing up, and thought of what Tom told you the week before.
'You should really be less uptight.'
Maybe he was right.
You looked at the overly formal clothing you set out.
"Hmmm... Maybe he's right.." You commented.
Digging through your closet, you found a box. Dusting it off, you realized it was from a few years ago.
The letter was still inside of it. It was from your friend.
"Dear Y/N,

Hey, hon! It's me, F/N. Happy birthday!
I'm not in the area, so I had to send you this. Sorry about that. Work's been way too demanding of me lately, y'know?
But, there's a surprise for you in this box. Open it up!

Your friend, F/N
P.S. Have fun with the people you're living with, now!"

You realized that you had never opened it.
Opening it, you found jeans, a belt, and a really nice top.
You decided that you'd go casual just this once, and changed your clothes.
After changing into your clothes, you opened the door, and walked over to the couch. You sat down.
Tom came out. He was just wearing his normal clothes.
"Oh, uh... Did I have to dress up for this...?" He asked you.
"No, not at all." you reassured. He smiled, relieved. "So, where are we going, Tom?" you asked.
"It's a surprise."
You groaned. You hated surprises.
"Don't worry, Y/N. The wait's going to be worth it." He told you.
You sighed.
"Alright. Do what you must.." You told him.
After getting into his car, he told you to close your eyes.
The next thing you knew, you felt the car stop and Tom open the door.
A fresh scent hit your nose. What was that again? Grass...?
"Open your eyes." He told you.
After you opened them, your breath was caught in your stomach.
You were lost for words.
It was a large forest. You had always wanted to go to one, so you began to feel extremely excited.
"Y/N, are you alright?" Tom asked you.
"Of course! It's just that I've never been to a forest before.." You admitted nervously.
"Oh..." Tom looked at you. "Wait, are you being serious?" he asked you.
Was he offended?
"O-of course. Sorry." You replied.
"Nah, you're fine." He told you.
As you explored the forest with Tom, you began to let loose.
"Have you ever climbed a tree before?" Tom asked you.
"I've never been to a forest, Tom. What do you think?" You laughed a little on the end part to soften the tone of your reply.
"Alright, let me show you." He put his hands on yours, steadying you against a tree. You immediately felt your cheeks heat from the close contact.
He took them off, and it stopped. Why did you feel that way...?
When you were able to get a proper foothold, you pushed yourself up.
"You can do it, Y/N!" Tom encouraged from below. You smiled.
Finding more worn areas in the wood, you finally got to the top of the trunk. You cheered. Looking down, you noticed Tom was clapping.
"You did it on your first try!" He seemed impressed. You felt good about yourself.
After coming back down, you ran around the forest as if you were a child. You had never had this much fun in your entire life.
It became darker and darker, until the sun had just gone behind the trees.
"Oh, wow... It's already time to go," Tom panted.
"Yep," you reply, getting off the grass.
After getting into the car, you both didn't talk that much.
"Oh, Tom. I forgot to mention." You told him.
"Mm?" he kept his eyes focused on the road.
"Thanks." You pat his shoulder gently, which he smiled at.
After you both drove into the driveway, Tom got out first. He helped you out of the car.
"I can get out of the car myself, thank you very much." You jokingly told Tom, smirking.
Tom chuckled a bit.
The lights were off in the house, so after going back inside, you were both very quiet.
There was a bunch of screeching coming from Tord's room. Yeah, no coincidence. Of course he was watching anime.
The lights in Edd and Matt's room were both out, so you both snuck by them. When you both got to Tom's room, you hugged him.
"Night, Tom."
"N-night, Y/N." He stuttered.
After letting him go in, you went to your room. Changing and brushing your teeth, you fell asleep still thinking about Tom.

aaaa i'm so sorry this was still late.
and it's really bad too (but it's my longest one yet)
i had really bad ideas on how to end it off but now i did and here i am!
again i'm really sorry about the huge hiatus
i'm going to try and have 2 more fanfics out by may 26 (no promises though)
anyway, florian, out.

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