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The next day I walked to school it was close by, and I was fine with walking. When I got there I asked lily, Ashley, Julie and phoebe about Andrew.

They told me all sorts of stories like how he is the most popular guy in school and that he says that he's too good for any girl in our class.

Too good ? what was he thinking was he a prince or something? :P

And they told me a loooot of stuff about him, I don't know if it was all true or just a rumor.

"Why are you asking us about Andrew?" "You have a crush on him don't you!" Julie said giggling.

I blushed. But I told them that it wasn't like that.

"LIAR!" Shouted phoebe. Just then Andrew entered the hallway. "What Is she lying about" he asked Phoebe

"None of your business Andrew!" I said, turning and Pulling my friends along with me.

My first class was bio it was so boring literally everyone was sleeping. And my bio teacher couldn't care less.

The other classes went by in a blur. It was lunch break soon and I sat with Julie. After sometime Ashley, phoebe and lily joined us.

I was so hungry! I could eat a horse! I stole a juice box from ash. She didn't mind though. Andrew saw me doing that and he offered me his whole tray!

"It's okay Andrew. I'm good for now" I said, giggling.

He chuckled and sat next to me. As soon as he sat I got a death stare from a girl, Natasha aka the popular girl in school. "Bitches gonna be bitches" I heard Andrew murmur under his breath.

I gave him a weird look. "What! Am I not allowed to swear when I'm with you?"

"Nope" I said, sarcastically

He smiled. I swear his smile could light up the whole world. If only smiles could kill, then half of the world would've been dead by now. I thought to myself.

Soon the day was over and I went back home Andrew had to stay back cause he had football practice.

A couple of day passed by like this...... All of it went by in a blur.


Andrew and I soon became the best of friends he would call up late in the night and trouble me, not letting me sleep. And I'd yell at him for ruining my sleep. And then he'd apologise and say "sorry Aleeesha! Can I read you a bedtime story?" Then I'd laugh and ask him to shut up! 😛.

He was the sweetest. He'd make me laugh so hard on days I thought I wouldn't even be able to smile.

It was Friday evening I went down to go watch him play football like I usually do. And when the game was over I invited everyone up to my house. Cause no one would be there anyway. And by 'everyone' I mean Andrew, Harrison , Cheryl and Jason.

As soon as we got to my place. Cheryl yelled "lets play truth or dare".

Oh shit. Noo way the game where secrets are revealed? And outrageous dares? Nope. I'm not a fan.

"No lets do something else" I said

"Are you scared Aleeesha? What truth are you so afraid of?" Andrew asked

"Nooo it's nothing like that" I protested.

"Then lets play" he said, with a huge grin on his face.

"Ughh. Fine". "I hate you" I murmured under my breath. "Huh? What was that again didn't catch the last thing you said" said Andrew

"Nothing nothing sweetie. Go sit now we will play ok" I said. He chuckled.

Dare - I had to confess something.

I didn't know what to say! And suddenly the words sprang out of my mouth.

"I once had a crush on someone who turned out to be related to me!"

All of them burst into fits of laughter.

"You literally had no idea?" Asked Jason

"Well, maybe I was too dumb back then to realise" I said, laughing at my own stupidity.

Dare - Cheryl had to call someone on her contact list starting with 'M' and tell the person that she was in love with him.

That 'M' turned out to be mark. Her ex- boyfriend

When she called, mark actually believed her and was ready to take her back. she had to call him back and tell him it was a dare!

It was honestly so much fun!

We played a little more and the they all left.

It was midnight now
I was wide awake cause I couldn't sleep. I heard my phone ring I quickly answered it cause I didn't want anyone to wake up in my house. It was Andrew

"Aleeesha, I know you're awake so please don't bother yelling at me for waking you up" he said

"What do you want Andrew" I asked

"Come down to the football ground pleasee!" He almost pleaded

"So you want me to come down at this time, sure I'll just wake up mom and tell her that I'm going to hang out with a guy in he middle of the night" I said, sarcastically

He chuckled "sneak out" he said

"Okay so football ground just you and me?" I asked.

"Yes" he replied.

"You could be a serial killer, how can I trust you" I said, trying to sound serious.

"Aleeesha if I wanted to kill you I would've done it by now" he laughed evilly.

"You're evvvil" I said

"Ok fine come down before I come and ring your doorbell" he said

"You wouldn't!" I said. "You really think so?" "Open the door" he added.

I quickly went to open the door and to my surprise, there he was standing in front of my door. With his ever so charming face.

"Aleeesha!" He almost yelled.

I covered his mouth with my hand

"Dude, you're gonna get me into serious trouble here" I said, taking my hand away.

He gave me his puppy dog eye face. My god this guyyyy 😍

"I'll come down, happy?" I asked him.
He simply nodded.

Then we went to the football ground. Just me and him. It was very dark and very quiet.

We started talking about a lot of stuff, if was nice spending some alone time with him. He even carried me at one point in the night-now morning 1AM. And I struggled to get off him!

"Your light as a feather, don't worry I'm not gonna drop you" "have a little faith" he said
I just laughed.

I got back home when it was 3AM. He walked with me to my door.

"See you tomorrow" he told me.


I hugged him back. "Bye Andrew" I said, trying not to choke up on my words, feeling all the butterflies in my stomach.

"Goodnight Alesha" he said, pulling himself away from me.

Then I got In and closed the door very quietly behind me. I didn't want anyone to wake up from their sleep.

I got to bed. I couldn't sleep. Let me rephrase that, I couldn't stop thinking about Andrew. This guy stole my heart.

The next day was a Saturday so it was okay if I got up late.

And soon I went to the world of dreams. Zzzz.

This chap is done!
Thanks for reading guys, hope you like it.
Tell me if you found errors or typos ill correct them.
And don't forget to

All the love,

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